Evelyn's Family and To-Knows

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Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own the Harry Potter series, well, if I did I wouldn't be writing a fanfic. J.K. Rowling owns the characters, besides Evelyn and others not mentioned yet. 


Evelyn’s Family and To-Knows

Evelyn Blake Black-Diggory < Mrs. Diggory and Regulus Black (he didn’t die and he had an affair with Mrs. Diggory while she was married to Amos)

Mrs. Diggory and Amos< making Cedric (meaning Evelyn and Cedric half-siblings) 

Black< Distant relations to Draco (meaning she can date and like him) 

Weasley< Evelyn (meaning they can date and like each other)


“Don’t do it Regulus,” Sirius said to his brother, grabbing his black robe. 

“I must,” hissed Regulus. “I have to destroy Salazar Slytherin’s Locket!” He held up the gold locket that had a serpent S in glittering green stone and continued speaking, “Kreacher was not able to destroy such beauty, but I can, brother! I can destroy one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes.”

“But why brother? You could get yourself killed into the doing so,” Sirius said slowly as he inched toward him. 

“B-because,” he stuttered and glanced away. Kreacher was muttering to himself in the corner as he stared at Sirius and Regulus. It was creepy. He was like a possessed dead-elf. “It’s important to me! Why can’t you let your little brother be the best he can be? I can make history, Sirius. I. Can. Make. History.”

Sirius nodded thoughtfully, inching a little bit closer. He was within grabbing distance of the locket. All he needed to do was grab it, throw it to Kreacher, and tackle his brother. Sirius had already told Kreacher what he needed to do; hide the locket.  “You can make history by not doing this.”

He looked down at his feet and that’s when Sirius grabbed the locket. It was all in slow motion to each of them. It seemed like forever for the locket to soar through the air and land in Kreacher’s hands. Seconds went by and Regulus was pinned to the ground by Sirius and Kreacher poofed himself gone. 

A scream came from Regulus’ mouth, several loud screams. “How dare you!” yelled Regulus over and over again at his brother. 

“I did what I had to brother,” said Sirius before he poofed out himself.

Regulus’ screams seemed like they last for a life time. Over and over, he cursed his brother’s name, screamed with hate, and even punched the wall a couple of times. He was outraged.


“Hello Regulus,” Mrs. Amelia Diggory said happily to Regulus as he walked into Amelia’s Mum’s robe shop called ‘Janie’s Robes’.

Regulus smiled at Amelia. He fancied her for quite some time. Her sliming hourglass figure and her beautiful looks made him weak in the knees. She had long golden locks and brown eyes that complimented her just fine. “Good day to you Miss Amelia.” 

“What can I help you with on this fine January day?” she questioned leaning her elbows on the counter. 

“I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner tonight?” he asked smiling. “I’ve fancied you for quite away now, don’t you know?” 

Amelia blushed. “You know I’m married and have a child, Regulus.”

“But Amos and Cedric are out of the country, no?” he asked, charming his way to her, but only to betray her later on. That’s how things happened for Regulus. Ever since the day his brother stopped him from destroying the locket exactly a year from the day he stood in Janie’s Robes. 

She glanced back. “Well, I guess we could hang out like friends.”

“I like friends,” Regulus said.

They spent the day walking around and talking. The moon was setting high in the sky, the moonlight shining in Amelia’s eyes. They were in a dark alley way, one Amelia had never been down before.  That’s when Regulus started being an aggressive pig. 

“You smell so nice,” he murmured kissing her, pulling her robes off. He charmed her not to speak; just letting her squirm. “I think I’ll make sweet love to you, in this alley way. No one will know, it’s not like you will get pregnant.” He smirked and worked his magic, her struggling to get away the whole time.

(In the meantime, Cedric and Amos had been stuck in America for a year... so they don’t know about the pregnancy.) 

 9 Months Later…

The mid-morning of October 30, 1980, Amelia was rushed to the hospital. Her contractions were already starting. Nine months ago Regulus Black got her pregnant. It was rape, but she told no one. When she started to show her pregnancy, she told her Mum and Dad that she and Amos were having another child. But this one had been an accident. She knew it wasn’t the truth, but it’d work. 

“Are you okay, Amelia?” asked her mother, Janie. 

“Yes Mum,” said Amelia feeling woozy. “I’m ready to have my baby. She will be wonderful… beautiful. Everything I failed to be.”

At three thirty sharp, Amelia’s baby was delivered. She gave her the name; Evelyn Blake. Evelyn after her dead sister and Blake after a boy she went to school with at Hogwarts, who died at a young age. She thought it was beautiful, like Evelyn.

On Evelyn’s birth certificate it clearly said: Evelyn Blake Black-Diggory. She put Regulus’ last name on there because it was his child. She also put Amos’ last name on there because she knew he would buy her fake story of them and, well, she told everyone else that it was his. Evelyn could never be her child, because she looked too much like Regulus did; black hair, green eyes, pale skin. She knew she’d have to give Evelyn up, but to whom?


“Are you sure you are going to do this?” asked Molly Weasley, putting her hand on her husband, Arthur’s hand. 

“Yes,” said Amelia Diggory smiling sadly. “I’ve never told the truth to anyone… so her it goes…” She told Mr. and Mrs. Weasley what happened in 1980. 

“Oh, dear! I am so sorry for your misfortune,” Molly said sadly. 

“We’ll take good care of her,” Arthur said.

“Thank you,” Amelia said. She got up to leave but then remembered she needed to give them Evelyn’s birth certificate. “Her full name is Evelyn Blake Black-Diggory, but could you use her last name mainly as Diggory?”

“Of course,” Molly said smiling, pulling Evelyn into her arms. “Good bye, Amelia. I’m sure I’ll see you again with Cedric at the Hogwarts train.”

“Of course I will. Good day,” Amelia said and poofed off.


A/N: Okay so that is a little background on who Evelyn is and who her parents are/were.

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