Chapter Four: Welcome to Hogwarts

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Disclaimer: I do not own, nor am I claiming to, own the Harry Potter characters or Hogwarts. I own Evelynn and Evelynn only <3

Chapter Four: Welcome to Hogwarts

All of us first years shuffled behind Hagrid, who I didn't think I'd see again after meeting him in Diagon Alley. He seemed like a fascinating person. I'd love to know his life story, because he was so humble and sweet as he led us first years to the castle after climbing out of the boats. The castle was massive in front of my small form. Lights shined out from the many windows and openings. The hair on my arms started to stick up and spread to my neck just staring at the beautiful work of art. The castle was my new home and I was ever so happy to call it such. 

I glanced around at my peers and saw Harry in awe of the castle. I smiled softly before following the girl in front of me up the seemingly never-ending staircase. Hagrid was explaining some of the architectural styles of the building, but I was too consumed with excitement to listen. We were about to get sorted into our homes for the next seven years. 

"I can't believe they have this doof guiding us to the castle for the first time," I overheard a boy snicker to my left. I snapped my head to find it was the same blonde hair I saw in Janie's Robes in Diagon Alley. Draco's eyes found mind and immediately changed demeanor. The look of disgust left them and looked at me with a pleading forgiveness. I scoffed at him and continued up the stairs. When I first met Draco I thought he seemed cocky and cute, but I didn't think of him as disrespectful. However, hearing that completely made me take back the cute comment. I couldn't stand being friends with someone who judged others based on their appearances. I shook my head lightly and took the last step. 

We were moments away from finding out our sorting fate. I wiped my sweaty palms against my plain black robes as we stood in front of a huge old oak door. It was twice as tall as Hagrid and almost four times as wide. "Everyone's here?" Hagrid asked rhetorically before banging his huge fist on the door three times.

The door opened by itself and a tight-lipped witch was on the other side. She was tall with black hair and her emerald-green robes hung delicately on her slender frame. 

"This is Professor McGonagall," Hagrid said with a toothy grin to us first years. 

"Thank Hagrid," McGonagall said expressionless. "I will take over now." Hagrid stepped aside and pulled the door open wider for us. The corridor that was in front of us was huge. Stone walls with torches lighting the way to a beautiful marble staircase. I glanced up to see the ceiling was taller than I'd ever seen in a building before. I wondered if that was some kind of spell they put on the castle to make it seem never-ending. It brought a small smile to my lips. 

McGonagall led us down the hallway, which picked up hundreds of voices. I heard murmurs of students echo where we were. I wondered how many students resided at Hogwarts this year. Instead of joining the other students, she led us to quite small room that led off from the hall. She herded us in the room, being rather uncomfortably too close. Hermione's shoulders scrunched up against mine as the professor started to speak. 

"Welcome to Hogwarts," she said with a booming voice. For as frail she looked, she had a very strong and almost soothing voice. She started giving us the rundown on what's going to happen in the Great Hall. She told us a little bit about the four houses and what our first year will behold. "The Sorting Ceremony will take place soon in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you look your best while you wait." She gave a disapproved look towards Ron and the boy, who I later found out is named Neville, next to him. Ron had a smudge of dirt on his nose and Neville's cloak was nearly sideways. I small giggle escaped my mouth as McGonagall left the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2018 ⏰

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