Chapter 11

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"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same"

"You think Mr. Hex will let us play that song?" Lee asked 

"He wants us to test our abilities, I think this is the best way to do that" I replied

"But the song is so damn fast" He whined

"It's dragonforce, what do you expect" I laughed, we were sitting on his bed, thinking about our next project due when we came back from our trip. We were alone in his house, I tried not to think about it much. Kathy was with Aurora at the mall, and Leander's stepdad, whom I've yet to meet, is working. 

"Fine" He grumbled and set his guitar on the stand next to his bed and laid down. I looked at him, the laptop still on my lap, he was beautiful. He wore a Nirvana shirt and his jeans were slightly ripped, it gave him an edgy look, also his hair was in weird angle as if he were trying a different look. "Do you like it here so far Sephry?" He asked me breaking me away from looking at his face to meet his eyes. He patted the space next to him. I set the laptop aside and laid down next to him, looking up at the Led Zeppelin posters on his ceiling. 

"Yeah"i replied honestly. 

"I'm glad" He smiled and leaned on his elbow to look at me. I felt self-conscious then. When he looked at me so intently I remember what I'm wearing and how i didn't put on any makeup, just a touch of eyeliner and if my hair was messy. But I remembered this morning, I braided my long hair at the nape of my neck, my bangs brushing my left cheek. I wore my blue jeans and converse and a hoodie. Sometimes I was scared he didn't think i was pretty. 

"Why the braid today?" He asked, my hand went to the braid that fell over my shoulder. 

"I wanted to try something new I guess" i replied looking at my nails again, they were getting longer, slightly uneven and I fisted my hands, insecure about that too. 

"Here" He stood up and pulled me to sit, he went behind me and took the elastic off my hair and unbraided my hair, I felt the heavy waves of dark hair on my shoulders "I like how it looks down" I felt his breath at the back of my neck and I blushed. I would never put my hair up again then. 

i turned around to face him, his face was close to mine as we sat cross legged in front of each other. His hand went to my cheek and touched it soflty, I gasped a little as he pulled away too soon

"An eyelash" he smiled and showed me the little black eyelash on his fingertips "Make a wish" He said and grabbed my hand to press our fingers together "Whoever has the eyelash gets the wish" He closed his eyes, and I stared at his face. he had freckles speckled over the top of his cheeks, they were patterned there so lightly, i hadn't noticed before. I closed my eyes then and wished with all my heart. 

I wish I can forget the past so that i can start over with him.

I opened my eyes and saw that the eyelash was in his fingers, I smiled at him. "What was your wish?" I asked

"If I tell you, it wont come true" He smiled at me "But if it does, I think you'll know" I stared at him a while longer and turned to grab the guitar from the floor

"We should practice" I said






"Fun?" Emily said

"Double check" Leandor smiled at Emily. 

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