Chapter 1

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[Chapter 1]

I look out of the window, crossing my arms across my chest. I put on my best pout, and I knew I looked gorgeous even with a pout. It was just a natural gift my parents gave me, after all.

I was dressed in a comfortable baby blue top paired with a leather jacket and long, tight-fitting pants, but the necklace was beginning to itch. Diamonds were girl's best friend, but sometimes, I swear they are just out to get me. Sometimes, my skin would just react to the chains holding the diamond together, and I would itch like a furry animal with the lice.

I looked up at the man sitting across me, smiling at his lustful gaze to me.

"Dear, can I please take off the necklace? I love it, but it's beginning to itch again." I frowned a bit, letting him see a flirty, cute and innocent side of me. Once we land, though, things would be different.

"But of course, my darling Annabel. Anything for you." He cooed, though I wasn't exactly an animal hidden in a cage that only he could see.

I gladly asked one of his servants to help me take it off, relaxing in the plush cushioned seat when it was off my neck. Jewelry were the death of me, I swear.

"Are we reaching soon?" I asked in my honeyed voice, knowing he would be taken in. He thought he was about to marry this hot woman sitting across him -I could see it in his eyes. Too bad, it wasn't happening soon, or even ever.

"Very soon, Annabel. We're into New York's air, just a moment more. We'll land, and we can go to our new home."

"Actually," I said, getting up from my seat even though the sign for seat-belts to be buckled were turned on, "you're going to go to your new home, and I'm going to be free of you, old man."

His face color drained in less than a second, the expression on his face turning shocked as hell.

"What do you mean? Annabel, what are you saying?"

I pushed a lock of my hair behind my ear in a fluid motion, stepping closer to him even as the plane tilted, already ready for landing. I leaned into his personal space, holding on to both handles of his seat.

"Call me Eliza Harding. Annabel Kent was just a woman desperately in need of a free air travel over to New York and couldn't stand the idea of sitting in public transport. I'm glad you've helped me make preparations, darling. Now, I've got to go." I said sweetly, giving him a farewell kiss on the side of his cheek as I swiped the handcuffs out quickly, chaining both his hands to the handle.

"Eliza? You were just cheating me this entire time?" He demanded, losing the helpless look now that he began to regain his bearings.

"You are an easy prey, Mr. Tudor. You should be glad that I am the one capitalizing on you like this. If it were someone else, you would end up with a hole in your head and heart." I gave him a wink, walking back to my seat as the plane landed without a hitch. His servants merely stood behind us, unmoving. Rather, I'd paid them a handsome sum -from Mr. Tudor's account, of course -for not moving to do anything to help him.

"You bitch!" He started yelling, but I picked up my bag -by his compliments, of course.

"Now, now, Jason, don't you get all mouthy on me now. Remember the name Eliza the next time you meet a woman like me and let this be a lesson for you, no?" I purred as the door to the private jet opened, the sunlight basking in.

"You'll regret this, you bitch!" He yelled even as I took comfortable steps down the stairs, breathing in the air of New York. Oh, how I missed this place. This was the place.

My paradise. A con artist paradise.

Rather, a White Collar Paradise.


White Collar ParadiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora