Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I sat on the edge of the hard bed, leaning slightly forwards but still anchoring myself to the bed with my hands. I was playing with myself childishly, seeing how far I could tilt before I slid my butt of the bed. Jeremy was droning on with the doctor, but the bottom line of their medicinal talk was probably that I was fine and that Jeremy was being an overly worried mother hen. He had even called Dorian! I mean, what the hell, man.

Jeremy talked for awhile longer, then walked back to where I was sitting, staring at the floor and my feet. Apparently Jeremy had convininetly forgotten to let me wear my shoes before he carted me out of my apartment, and I was effectively barefooted. Dorian was going to have such a field day laughing at my state of imperfection.

“Come on, Darling. We’ll wait outside for you medicine.” He gathered me in his arms again, this time letting me sit on his arm while I laced my arms around his neck, to make sure he didn’t make me his ‘bride’ again. I was sick of his bridal style all the time. For god’s sake, I wasn’t this egoistical jerk’s bride.

Hayden was the first to run up to us when Jeremy carried me out, but Dorian was followed close after. Dorian didn’t even bother freaking out about meeting his con-artist idol, demanding to know of my condition first. Jeremy only smiled and reassured them that I would be fine –just a fever.

If Jeremy heard me out initially before carting me off to the doctor’s, he would have found out the same thing. Apparently, Mr. Ego was hell-bent on making me the weakling who was bound to have brain-damage if he didn’t send me to A&E soon.

The funny thing was, by the time we reached the doctor’s, my fever had naturally receeded on its own without help of any medicine at all, leaving Jeremy seriously confused and suspicious whether my body was trying to play a trick on him.

“Are you okay? Do you feel weak? Sick? Nauseous?” Hayden asked me worriedly as Jeremy sat me at one of the seats, rushing to take the seat beside me. Dorian immediately planted his ass on the seat at my other side.

“Guys, guys, I’m fine. Really. I don’t need three nannies here fussing over me.” I sighed. I hadn’t even wanted one, and here I had three nannies pushing themselves all over me. All they managed to do so far in terms of my recovery was just getting on my nerves.

“But you need one.” Dorian reminded, which got me a glare.

“And I have three. Stop being all motherly on me, guys. You all are not running for elections to become the next Rose Seyfried, so just stop.”

“She can joke. I proclaim her brain-damaged.” Jeremy said in his high-and-mighty voice, and I slapped my forehead exasperatedly.

“I need to ram my head against the wall now…” I mumbled underneath my breath, threading fingers through my hair to push my fringe up. Keeping straight hair definitely made Hayden happy, but while I was sick, it probably mattered none to him.

“Hey, get out of my seat, man.” Jeremy nudged Dorian at my side with a frown.

“It’s not your seat.”

“I called you here, so I decide where you seat.” Jeremy challenged back.

“Hayden called me here, not you. You don’t dictate me.”

“I told Hayden to call you here. Hayley dictates you. And right now, I dictate her.” Jeremy proclaimed, offendingly invading Dorian’s personal space, issuing his challenge.

“You do not! Hayley Seyfried is dictated by no one.” Dorian proclaimed back in reply, pushing Jeremy back.

“Can the manly testosterone just stop? You guys are supposed to be working together.” I interjected as a loud sigh, taking the temporary attention of all three men.

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