Chapter 6

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[Chapter 6]

Years ago, there was a top-notched con artist roaming out in the streets of Boston, relieved and slightly satisfied of the million-dollar heist that he’d just pulled on Maine that had the FBI tripping heads over heels trying to find him while he was tucked away, safe and sound.

He was walking home from a night’s worth of enjoyment, and he was approached by a seductive, lusty young woman. He thought she was being awfully suggestive, and since he was rich now, he figured to have a good night with her. She did not complain when he offered her drinks, they spent a great night.

When the man woke up, the woman was gone and so were most of the valuables in his room. He knew he was robbed –and cursed himself for baring his soul to the woman that had made him feel special that night before. She called him to thank him for his money –the millions recently lifted off Boston –and told him that he’d been her target since he began planning on the Bank of Maine.

He cursed at her, but she laughed at him and shut the phone. They never found each other again, until two years later, when he was on a trip to Seattle as a businessman. His client had engaged him to burn one of the FBIs in Seattle, and it was done perfectly. However, when the deal had been sealed, he caught a glance of her at the after party.

She turned out to be his client’s wife –by another name, of course –and she was bouncing a baby girl of one year old. With more digging, he realized that the baby girl did not belong to his client. He chased after her, looking for answer, feeling that he had left more of himself with her when she left than just his money.

It was true; the baby was his. To support her child, she had settled down to marry this rich, influential businessman, and was planning to leave her child with him when her child was of age to walk and talk. He promised her that he would take responsibility of their mistake, and though she was still bouncing a baby, she knew that he was special to her.

Together, they worked together to con her husband –her ex-client –and managed to have him burnt, while she inherited his entire fortune. With their then-two year old daughter, they finally began to settle down, and had another son.

They grew up with false jobs, continuing with their con artist lifestyle. Yet, within the walls of their homes, they were just another couple, another pair of parents with cheeky children who were fond of stealing and hiding household items everywhere in their mansion. They knew their children were in the making of con artists, and since they could think of nothing better for their little boy and girl, they began to raise their kids up as cons.

The elder girl was already out on the street, conning people with her beautiful baby face when she was only five. She, with lying, cheating, and a dash of stealing, could bring home enough money to feed a starving family of four every day. Her little brother was a little slower, and whenever he made a mistake and got caught by the police, their parents only blamed it on his ‘hyperactivity’ and curious hands.

Still, the both of them grew up to be perfect cons. In their first family heist, they managed to take over the mansion of the businessman living in the city’s richest district. It was their first successful heist, but it wasn’t the last. It was, instead, the beginning of many more to come.

The childhood of both kids were spent running away from FBI, cheating people, and learning the things people don’t teach in school. They loved it. They loved the con artist lifestyle, and vowed to follow their parent’s footsteps.

They became famous. They were the first family who had successful heists after heists, robberies after robberies, and yet, the kids were involved. They were a famous family. They were the Seyfrieds. Yet, all great things had to come to an end. When the girl was fifteen, her little brother twelve, they made a mistake.

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