Chapter 2: The Bakery

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I smash my hand on the snooze button of my incessant alarm.

"It should be illegal to wake up a 7:30 in the morning on a Saturday." I grumbled at nothing in particular. Well, I get to sleep in tomorrow. Ugh, thats hours away. Might as well get up, don't want to be late to the bakery. Well now I'm awake, I love the bakery. "Where did my apron go now?" I ask the air. "I need to stop talking to myself." I said.

"Yeah, you do, Ms.Linda will think you're crazy and fire you." I heard my dad say from outside my door. I always forget that their room is right next to mine.

"Sorry!" I yelled back. Man I can't wait to get my own apartment. For now I'm kinda stuck in my childhood home. "Just testing if talking to myself would make what I asked for happen." I said.

"How'd that work out for ya?" He replied.

"Not as well as I had hoped." I said. I heard him chuckle. I finally found my apron and looked through my closet for an outfit to wear under it. I settled on a pair of dark washed skinny jeans and a Nirvana tee shirt. After I got dressed I saw my laptop light up wit ha YouTube notification. "Jacksepticeye has posted a new video: "HIS NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE! | Reading Your Comments #80"" Yes! I love the Reading Your Comments series! Dangit! I have to go to work so I can't watch it. Shit. Work. I need to leave now if I don't want to be late. I speed walk down the stairs and see my mom in the kitchen. She hands me my medication with my coffee and some toast. "You know me so well." I smile at her taking my meds.

"I'm your mother. I'm supposed to." She said.

"True." I agreed. I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "See you after work." I said while giving a little wave.

"See you after work." She responded returning my wave. 

I was about to open the door when my seven pound puppy, Penny, went on her hind legs to get my attention. "I can't take you with my, baby. I promise to take you to the pet store tomorrow." I said petting her soft head. She licked my hand with her tiny tongue and sat down. I walked out of the house and into my car. I started it up and put the heat on since it's freezing out. I plugged in my phone and put Twenty One Pilots on. Ride started playing and I smiled. I pulled out of the driveway and drove the oh so familiar route to the bakery.

*skip car ride*

I get to the bakery on time and clock in. Ms.Linda smiled at me when I came in.

"Always on time." She said sweetly.

"I try." I said. She chuckled.

"Well, get in the kitchen and make some of those delicious treats." She smiled. 

"Can do." I said while saluting her. I put my hair up and washed my hands. I started making the batter for a cake. After the batter was done and put in the pan, I put it in the oven while I planned how I was going to decorate it. I eventually decided to make a Septic Eye Sam cake. I got green, blue, red, black, and white icing. One the cake came out of the oven, I had to let it cool down before I decorate it because the icing would melt. I cleaned up and set up the bakery while I waited. I put out the pastries Ms.Linda made the night before, set the tables, cleaned the counter, swept the floor, and turned on  the card swipe. By the time I finished, the cake had cooled off and I could decorate it. 

I covered it with green and made sure it was even and smooth. Next I made the red veins around the outside and had them go down the side of the cake. I then made the blue iris. After I knew it was perfect, I got the black icing ready. I made the pupil as perfect as the iris and put two little shine spots. I looked at the cake and was happy with how it came out. I took a picture and tweeted it, tagging Jack. "Made a Sam cake. Like it jacksepticeye?" I knew he wouldn't see it, but a small part of me hoped he would. After I put me phone back in my pocket, I heard the small bell that signaled a customer. I walked out to the front desk and saw my coworker, Julie, was asking what they would like.

"I was told you make excellent eclairs and was wondering if I could have a half dozen?" The woman asked politely. She must live in the area.

"Coming right up." Julie replied with a smile. She got six eclairs out of the case and put them in a to go box. She handed the woman the eclairs. "That'll be $11.50." She said. The woman handed her a ten and two ones and Julie gave her the 50 cents back. "Have a nice day." She said with a smile.

"You too young lady." She smiled and waved. It's customers like her that make this job enjoyable. 

I went back to the kitchen to check my phone and saw two notifications. They were both from Jack. One was a tweet and the other was a retweet. OF MY TWEET.  OH MY GOD! HE SAW IT! I took a deep breath and looked at what he tweeted. "I'm having a small contest. Enter your email into the link and you will be entered into a random raffle and whoever wins gets a Skype call with me!" it said with a link right after. I clicked on it and entered all three of my email addresses. What? I have my reasons. I was still so excited because he saw my cake. I looked on his page and right under his last tweet was my tweet with a picture of my cake. Wow. I can't believe it. 

The rest of work went by quickly. It was pretty dead today. Plus I was still so so happy Jack saw my tweet. On my drive home I had blasted my music and was singing at the top of my lungs. I got home and danced around with Penny. "He saw, baby! My senpai noticed me!" I said while nuzzling her into my chest. I went up to my room with her and turned on my computer. I went on Twitter and flipped out about how he noticed me. A few of my friends said their congratulations and others cursed me for being so lucky. 

"Elizabeth! Dinner's ready!" I heard my mom yell up the stairs. I went down and ate  and told them about my day.

"Is that the loud Irish one?" My dad asked.

"Yes." I said while rolling my eyes. 

After I finished my dinner I went back upstairs and changed into my pj's. I got under my covers and watched some of Jack's videos. I don't know how, but I fell asleep with his loud voice in the background.

A/N: Hi, sorry this took so long, I was really busy with school and other stuff. I hope you like it! Feedback is appreciated but not necessary. Thank you!

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