Target Acquired

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A/N: Hey everyone, I'm very, very sorry that I haven't updated sooner and I would have except I was overseas and so I didn't have my laptop. ANYWAYS, I hope you all like this new chapter and if you have any suggestions or comments then you can either comment below or send me a message and I'll be sure to reply. *Cue Romanogers fanfare* 

Side note: There really should be a Romanogers fanfare.....



She turned at the sound of his voice and then turned back towards the centre of the room. Her gaze snagged the hurt on his face but dismissed the look as a reflexive twitch. She was distracted by something else. Someone else, rather. James, while they had history, was not the same person she once knew and she could tell that he didn't know her the same way she knew him. It's better that way. She was not wondering about him. Her green eyes rested on the tall man in the coat whose accent reflected the country she grew up in and whose movements were reminiscent of her own.

Steve frowned and followed her stare across the room to where he saw Aleksandr for the first time. He saw the way his hair fell in his face, his fingers pushing them back. He saw his eyes. He saw the person they were looking at. He saw the same green eyes he had lost himself in countless times before. He can't be... The seed of jealousy that had planted itself in his chest slowly faded away. He knew now that Aleksandr wasn't a threat because he was so obviously in love with Wanda.

"What are you all standing around for when there is an urgent matter to attend to? Wilson, I need your full account of the events by this afternoon. Rogers, Romanoff, I need yours as well but be sure to prep for your next mission. I don't want that one to be a flop too." Fury strode in, placed his hands on the table for emphasis, made eye contact with everyone in the room and strode out.

A few seconds later, he came back in. "You two." Fury had a way of asserting complete authority over even Aleksandr and the Winter Soldier. "Can you promise to stay out of trouble?"

It was James who answered. "Promises aren't easily kept." He stood up and walked away from the wall. "But we'll try."

His eyes were glued to Steve.


After Fury and the two experienced agents had exited the room Aleksandr crossed over to James and proceeded to punch him in the right arm. "Come on man, lighten up a little." His smile was bright and forced however because, having spent so much time in the other man's head, he knew how conflicted he must have been feeling. In a lowered voice he asked, "You okay?"

James nodded. "Better than expected." Seeing that Aleksandr wasn't convinced he tried for a smile. "I'm sorry, I'll try not to make such a big deal out of this. Now go," his fake smile got cheekier, "go talk to the girl."

Aleksandr looked over to where Wanda stood conversing with the other two Avengers. She glanced over and their eyes met. Aleksandr felt his heart quicken. Her expression didn't change but she held his gaze steadily, her midnight-dark eyes on his deep-sea green. Gathering his courage and giving James a parting pat on the back, he made his way over to her. Just as he was within a few steps of her, she flicked her wrist and a barricade of filmy red magic stopped him in his tracks.

"Why can't I see inside your head?"

Sam and Rhodey dropped their voices and listened in.

"The same reason why I can't see inside yours."

She frowned and the barrier faltered. He took the opportunity and stepped forward but the wall only intensified and forced him back more. He shifted back, confused, and, with lack of anything better to do, poked the barrier. Wanda laughed and the magic barrier between them dissipated but Aleksandr sensed that another had as well.

Avengers: Behind the UniformOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora