High Society

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A/N: HEY GUYS! So, in this chapter there are two new characters who are introduced, Rose Jackson and Blair Windsor/Montgomery. They are dedicated to my two friends (who are also on Wattpad):

· Rose Jackson is @tasha-rose85

· Blair Windsor is @thequeen0402

I'm sorry (again) that it took so long to put out a new chapter, I'll try to get the next one out sooner. Also, in this chapter, Nat and Steve wear disguises and if it's not clear enough, they look like their normal selves (as in Steve looks like Chris Evans and Nat looks like Scarlett Johansson). As always, I really appreciate you all for reading my story and for liking it and if you ever have any suggestions or comments then you can just send me a message or leave a comment. Hope you guys enjoy it and have a good day!

Somewhere under the ice of a mountain lake there was a hall. In that hall there were rows and rows of beds. Symmetrical. Orderly. Identical. Hundreds upon hundreds. More than half were empty and cold. In one of the beds lay a girl with dark hair and light eyes. For uncountable nights already, Rose Jackson had surveyed the ceilings, walls and floors around her to look for any possible escape routes. If she didn't find any before she was scheduled to be brought in for experimentation then she would spend her last few minutes looking for something to kill herself with. The door struggling against the lock jolted everyone awake from whichever daydream they had tried to lose themselves in.

The lab coats were quick and efficient at doing their job. They walk in, locate the number, sedate them and drag them out. As the weeks had come and gone they'd all gotten used to it and had given up hope of trying to fight away from them. So now, they just let it happen.

"Who are they taking tonight?" It was the young, curly haired boy three beds down from her.

Rose absent-mindedly rubbed her branded number. Three-five-eight. "Her name was Mallory Turner."

She didn't bother saying the number because everyone knew which number was going next. They were counting down the days until it reached them.

The door clanged to a shut.

"Was? But she's not dead," he questioned and Rose suddenly remembered that no one had made sure he slept through it tonight.

Rose didn't bother to reply. Of course, there was a slight chance that Mallory Turner would be the one to survive, a slight chance that she would be the one to break the cycle but it wasn't likely. This experiment had lasted for well over a decade now and all the numbers from oh-oh-one to three-one-two – and all the numbers who came after her who had tried to escape - had never made it back to their waiting beds.


It took Agent Romanoff only half an hour to put together a whole disguise and persona for this woman she was to become. She had to take extra precautions so no one would recognise her ever since all of S.H.I.E.L.D's files on her had become public. She had also entered the Fulcrum headquarters and so she had to assume that they would have surveillance footage of her. Her skin crawled to think of Lucius Montgomery and his young face surrounded by silver hair, not batting an eyelash as screams ricocheted throughout the facility. Then again, she had been like that too.

She inspected herself in front of the mirror, getting used to the new appearance and paced up and down the room to adjust her gait, posture and manner. She imagined herself as a woman who had grown up surrounded by whatever she wanted at the moment she wanted it. To snap her fingers and have everyone do her bidding. To have all the girls jealous and all the boys drooling. Without her concentrating, Kristina Rushmore began to take over. Her spine straightened, her eyebrow arched and her chin lifted haughtily. This was the easiest character to play and she pulled it off effortlessly.

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