Chapter 31 - I Love You

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"Sorry son... but I can't..." my mom said in serious tone while looking I my eyes.

Huh??? But why?? I mean i told her already that i'll handle dad's company if she'll do that, which they really want me to do. She is the most powerful person here and I know she can do it in a blink.

"But why mom?" I ask confused.

My mom just stare at me for a couple of seconds then leave a heavy sigh.

"Son... you don't understand... the guy you talks about, chanyeol, is the son of one of our biggest partner in business... His parents own the Park Financing Group..." my mom said looking in my eyes..

Huh?? Wait I don't understand... I mean chanyeol is rich??? But... why he's living in that kind of apartment with kyungsoo... I've thought he's just average... did kyungsoo knew about that???

"Ehh... is that so?? But how come he enrolled in this school?? I mean as what you said mom he is a only son of a rich family he can study abroad..." I said

"Actually I don't know too... it just happened that one day Mrs. Park called me and she said her son wants to enroll here... she also ask a favor if I can give her a scholarship form because her son requested it..." my mom said still confused why I suddenly brought up the topic.

Wait... wait... what did she said again?? Scholarship form?? For what?? I mean they are rich, why they ask for scholarship form... they owned a company yet they are
asking for a scholarship form...

"Huh?? Why she ask you for scholarship form mom?? They are rich right??" I ask really curious.

"Ahm.. I don't know too... but I just grant it cause its not a big deal at all..." she said and shrugged her shoulder.

Ehh... geez... she's giving a scholarship without knowing why... haist... I think chanyeol is right, I don't know him... well at least now I know.. I snapped out from my deep thought when suddenly mom speak.

"By the way... why you're asking for that... I mean kicking off chanyeol here... are you guys not in good terms??" My mom asked.

"Ahehe... maybe something like that... OK mom I think that's enough... thank you though... " I said then stand up.

I'm about to go when my mom suddenly called me... I turned around and face her... I saw her searching for something in her table...

"What mom??" I asked.

"OK find ya... ahm... jongin... here..." mom said then gave me a small envelope.

"What is this??" I asked.

"Well... our company will be having a party for celebrating Christmas... which is this incoming Saturday.... I'm just informing you..." my mom said smiling at me.

Aish... I almost forgot... Christmas is soon to come... and this is the last day of school days before Christmas vacation. Sad to say, I think the last day of school day and of course the last day of my tutorial session will be ruined... I think kyungsoo is now mad at me because of that bastard Park!!! Well I have to clarify everything to kyungsoo later in our tutorial.


The last day before Christmas vacation went so damn boring... I mean without kyungsoo it's lifeless... actually the end of school days should be last Friday but the faculty decided to extend it 'till today, which is Monday, for the students to comply their requirements.

I'm now on my room... of course nervously waiting for kyungsoo to arrived for our last tutorial session for this year. I'm expecting that he is mad at me and I'm willing to face it no matter what. The only thing that I have to do is to explain everything.

My Tutor [KaiSoo] [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now