Chapter 48 - Gone

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"Kyungsoo yah!! If you won't stop the ringing of your phone I make sure that I will break it using my manly fist" oh my God here he is again!

"F*ck off luhan!! Its not mine... it's yours moron!!! Get your fat ass out of your bed or else we'll be late!!" I yelled!!

Haist... I don't know why I resist living with this sassy guy... luhan we're so annoying but I admit he's good to be with... I'm now here in China taking my last semester as an exchange student... well at first it's quite hard to adjust but because of this sassy luhan I cope up immediately... well thanks to him...

Haist... it's been almost four months after I left Korea... I didn't noticed that it's way too long... chanyeol and yixing hyung always give me a call but every time I talk to them they seems hesitating of what to say... weirdo...

Sometimes I want to ask how is jongin... because honestly speaking I still have feelings for him... I'm still longing for him... I don't have any update about him... maybe he is now happy with his own life... I know that I left Korea and study abroad just to forget about him... but I can't... haist...

This is my last day in China and I'm glad that I made to finish my study here... the graduation were soon to come, that means finally I will fulfill my dreams... I badly want to go back in Korea but there is one thing that stop me to think about it... Jongin... I don't know if I'm ready to face him again... I don't know if I have enough courage to at least stand in front of him...

"Hey little penguin!! You're spacing out... I keep on talking to you but your not paying attention... are you OK??" I snapped from my thoughts because of the rants of luhan.

"Yeah I'm fine... just thinking about something..." I respond.

"I think it's not 'something' but 'someone' is it jongin again... the guy you told me before??" Luhan said.

I sigh heavily before I nod...

"Tell me what's bothering you... maybe I'm not as intelligent as you, but I'm sure I have enough brain cells to at least give you some advice..." luhan said

"Haist... I'm just thinking about... ahm.. since it's my last day here... I'm thinking about how am I going to face jongin... " I said then sigh

I look at luhan and I saw him looking at me in surprised... huh...?? but f*ck his face is priceless!!!

"OH F*CKING MOTHERFUCK*R SHITTY OF A BITCHY ASSHOLE!!!! I almost forgot about that!!!! Huhuhuhu... NO!!!" luhan said dramatically.

"What the f*ck are you talking about?? You're being over reacting..." I said.

"I forgot that you'll leave after this day... I will miss you kyungsoo... I really will... " luhan said dramatically.

"Aish... don't worry I know that we'll see each other again one day... " I said then hug him.

This b*tch ... I know he's a pain on ass but luhan is someone who need to be treasure... he's precious like diamond...

Suddenly luhan broke the hug and look at me blissfully.

"If it's your last day here... we have to go out and enjoy your remaining time here!!" Luhan yelled in excitement.

"Yeah... yeah... I think so... so what are we going to do??" I asked.

"Sometimes I doubt about your intelligence... your question was nonsense... of course we're going out!!" He said sarcastically.

"OK then... get your fat ass off your bed and start preparing yourself or you want to go out with your wet panjama?? Geez luhan don't tell me you have a wet dreams again!! Your gross" I said when I noticed the wet part in his panjama.

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