Chapter 38 - Satansoo

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Everything is now back to normal. The school starts again. As time passed by my life become happier than before. Having jongin in my life is the most precious gift that I've ever received. He brings back the happiness that faded out 16 years ago. I'm glad that even jongin and chanyeol is now OK, we even hang out without awkward atmosphere. I noticed that chanyeol and baekhyun become closer after we celebrate new year together. Well I'll be happy if they ended up together... hehe...

I'm now on my way to my first class this afternoon. While walking I saw jongin sitting on a bench. I'm about to approach him when suddenly a girl sat beside him and cling on his arm. WTF!!!!! I felt that suddenly my blood boiled. Who the actual f*ck is that girl??? Hands off on my jonginie!!!

Without hesitation I walk closer to Jongin. He looks surprised when he saw me in front of him and he knew that he is not in a good situation.

"Ahm... kyungie... let me explain..." he plead.

"Who the he'll are you??" I asked the girl irritated.

"Who?? Me??" The girl said pointing to herself.

"It seems like your slow... of course you..!" I said sarcastically.

She look at me and scanned my whole body. Huh.. look at this bitch...

"I'm Krystal... why?? And who the hell are you too??" She asked annoyed.

"well if you don't mind. . I am the boyfriend of the guy who are you clinging on... so hands off on him you bitch damn leech!" I said irritated.

"So... I don't care about you... I care about jongin oppa not you..." she said clinging tighter to jongin.

Sh*t!!! Jongin oppa??? huh...!! I swear to God if this Krystal girl won't take her hands off on jongin I'll make sure I'll cut it out!!!

I look at jongin and he knew that I'm not in the good mood. He tried to push Krystal's hands but failed because the leech is so sticky...

I have no choice but to do this. I never let this side of me because they said I'm scary, but this girl reached the maximum of my temper.

I walk closer to Krystal and I gave her my satanic look. Her face turned scared when she saw this side of me. I slowly bent to her stinky face and smirked. I whisper something in her ears that made her shocked.

"You know what... you f*cking leech... I told to myself not to do it anymore... but you reached the maximum of my temper... if I told you I already killed people because they annoyed me and reached the maximum of my temper would you believe me?? What I hate the most is when someone stealing what I owned... if you won't stop clinging on jongin I'll make sure that I'll ripped your throat using my nail, crash your ugly face using my fist, and separate your organ system to your body."

She looked at me so scared and she loosen her grip to jongin... that's right bitch... get lost... she stand up and look at me... she looked scared and angry as well.

"H-How dare y-you... W-were not d-done y-you owl..." she said then run away really scared.

I looked at jongin with the same expression. He knew what will happen next so he gave me his pleading face.

"Who's that girl??" I asked wearing unreadable expression.

"K-krystal..." he said in low tone.

"I know... she said already... what I mean what's your relationship with her??" I asked.

He looked directly in my eyes before leaving a heavy sigh.

"Ahm... one of the girl that I used to be with when we have argument before... but believed me kyungsoo I don't have any connection to her anymore... that's why I'm shocked when suddenly she acted like that..." jongin said defensively.

I looked at him pretending that I'm annoyed but deep inside I want to laugh because of his facial expression. I believed jongin more than anyone else. I trust him... I knew what he said was true. I cant fight the urge of laughing, so I burst out laughing out loud. He look at me confused.

"Why are you laughing??" He asked.

"Because your face is priceless..." I said while laughing.

"Yah!!! Do Kyungsoo!!! Stop laughing..." he whimper.

"OK.. OK.. you're just cute..." I said teasing him.

He look at me and smirked... tzk.... I feel like there is something going to happen that against my will.

"Look at my jealous owl... you jealous right... omo how cute... kyungie is jealous..." jongin said teasing me.

"Yah!!! I'm not jealous!!!! " I protested.

"Oh... really... you're not jealous in that case huh... you almost killed Krystal because of your Satansoo look..." he said while standing up and walked closer to me.

"Well.... I guessed she deserved it..." I said like it's the normal thing in the world.

"I heard what you whisper to her... I also got scared about what you said... do you really killed people??" Jongin said.

I can't do anything but laugh because of what jongin said. I smacked his head because of his stupidity.

"Yah!!! That hurts..." he protested

"That's for being an idiot... do you think I can kill people... duh... I can't even kill a mosquito... I just said those words to scared that leech..." I said.

"Tzk... well, you really are scary... ahaha..." he said then laugh.

I hug him and he hug me back tighter... I rested my head in his chest and his chin was placed on my head.

"Tzk... but I know you still love me no matter what... you're addicted to me right?? I'm always willing to do that again and again if I needed to... that's how much I love you..." I said playfully.

"Ha-ha-ha... so confident huh... but yeah... I'm so addicted to you... I'm already overdose to your love... I love you too Satansoo..." he said teasing me.

I looked up and about to protest about the name he used to call me, but before I do that his lips were already crash into mine...


Here's the new update...
I told you... don't you dare to reached the maximum temper of kyungsoo if you don't want to meet Satansoo... ahaha... xD
Sad to say the story is near to it's end... :'(
I hope you like this chapter...
My next update might be on kyunsoo's birthday...
Thanks for reading... EXO-ChanTole :-)

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