Is It A Sin To Think The Devil Is A Total Hottie?

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Chapter 3

From Hell And Back

*Sorry for not writing much, I thought you guys didn't like the story, so I stopped for a while. Please let me know if you guys would like me to continue the story. Okay I'll stop babbling, ENJOY.*

I woke up in my bed.

Nothing seemed to have changed, my room still had it's creme coloured walls, and it's worn out wooden floor.

I was still wearing the same outfit I had worn the day I died. P.J's and all.

No shivers. No fever. Nothing.

It was as if nothing had happened.

"Honey, dinner's ready."


"That's okay mom, I'm not that hungry."

For some reason, I really didn't feel hungry.

I climbed of my bed a took a quick glance at the mirror.

"What the hell just happened to me?"

I looked the same.

I pinched my skin.

I guess I'm alive.

I took a deep breath.



"You look stunning when you're mad. You know that?"

I spun around on my heels only to find the Devil himself lounged acrossed my bed. Arms crossed and all.

"Okay, seriously, I understand you're the devil and all, but don't you have anything better to do, or ANYONE better to do?"

I glared at his flawless and unrevealing face.

Damn he's hot.

He smirked.

"People don't make deals with me that often, and I can't just go around fucking anyone I want. There are limits, even for the devil himself."

I sat cross legged on the floor.

Boy did I have a lot of questions for this guy.

So, I know what you're thinking.

WOAH. You just met 'The Devil' for the second time, and you're not even a little scared.

In my defense, the guy was hot, and how often is a girl scared of hot guys...laying on their bed?


"So how does this whole thing.." I pointed to me and then him. "work?"

"Like I said. I'm bored. You're my pet. I get to do whatever I want to you"

As he said that, I swear I saw his eyes turn black, for a short second.

"Mhmm. Don't I get a say whether anything between us happens?" I asked arching my eyebrow.

Yeah the Devil was hot, but no one ever mentioned I would be

"As long as it is not against you're will."

I blinked twice

What did he just say?

He rolled his eyes and continued, as if this were the most logical thing in the world.

"I can't fuck you if you don't agree to it, free-will, God set some cold rules."

After a moment of silence I started laughing.

"Aw, that sucks for you buddy, cause I will never say yes to that."

Instantly he was off the bed and had both of my hands pinned against the wall.

Since he towered above me, he bent down a few inches and touched his nose to mine.

"You won't be able to resist me for long. You just wait and see my pet"

I stared deep into his eyes, looking for some sign of humor, I found none.

He kissed my nose, leaving a hot feeling that quickly spread to the lower half of my body.


He smirked and walked to the opposite side of the room.

"Have sweet dreams my pet"

He turned his back to me.

"Hey Devil, don't think you'll win me over that easy."

He turned around to face me.

I tried to show the determination in my face by staring straight at him.

"Let the games begin then"

He smirked and then dissapeared.

What had I gotten myself into?

+ Next chapter...time to face the parents.+

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