Chapter 16: Conflicted

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I'm so sorry I've been away. Christmas is a little busy for me, but now, I have time because Christmas is finally over. Along with New Year.

"It's always about time," She said.

"We can't do anything about it." She added.

He shook his head. "It's because we are lost in it. We lose track of time."

She sighed. "Yes, and that makes my point."

He laughed. And she was confused. "Yes, and this will make my point."

And he kissed her.

Jeff's P.O.V.

"Shut up, Slendy! I can do it. You know I can. We have time!" I once snapped, and glared at the man who had no eyes to stare back. I don't get it, but I can feel him glaring at me as he look disoriented. He wasn't in his usual suit, he wore a long sleeved shirt and shorts. At first it was funny––and since it was the middle of the night, it was––but when I knew his purpose, it wasn't, anymore.

"Jeff, that's the problem," my glare hardened. I didn't want to talk him about this, not again. We've already had the matter in our hands, and I wasn't worried one bit. I paced around, trying to calm my nerves and refraining myself from shouting at him.

He continued.

"The problem is, you think you have time."

I stopped. He sighed.

Don't all of us have time?

"Jeff," I looked back at him as he called my name, my walls crumbling down as he said the next lines.

"You can't wait forever, Jeff."

He disappeared after that, leaving me to think both what the hell should I fucking do. I groaned, and jumped on my bed, sniffing.

"Fuck you Slendy."

I can wait forever if I fucking want to. I rather waste my life with her because she's so worth it.


"_________.." I whispered in her ear, and she shivered in her sleep, making me laugh. "Come now, ________..." I whispered again, and this time, she groaned, and lied back on her back. She groaned again, cracking one eye open, and opened both of them when she saw me. I softly smiled at her sleepy face. Rubbing her eyes, she yawned out, "Hud mowneng.."

I laughed, and leaned in to kiss her forehead, but stopped. I pulled back, smiling. "Get up. I made dinner."

She sat up, surprised I bet. "We aren't spending dinner with the others?"

I shrugged. "Quality time." I answered, and went back downstairs, looking around frantically to see if things are settled in and perfect. I grinned. She was going back down here now and so I stood next to the dinner table. She was still yawning, and she was dressed in jeans and a shirt. When she looked at me, she stared, and tilted her head to see the dinner table, humming.

Jeff The Killer x Reader Book 3!: He's BackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora