Chapter 16, Where are you aman?

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Lilly's POV

Aman and I are now in a heated make out session. This continued for about 10 mins
We were both breathless after that.
Aman: babe it's 5 am
Lilly: ok I'm gonna go to bed! Night babe!

Laura's POV

I was on Instagram at 5am and saw my friend Amans post. It caption was this one and they are getting married?! That's it I needed to stop this before it gets out of hand.

11' hours later

Lilly's POV

I'm sitting in the family room waiting for Aman to come home until I get a text message. It's from Aman!
A: Hey Lil, I'm at work just setting up for my art exhibition I didn't want to wake you up because you were asleep one of my friends will be coming over after if that's ok with you!
L: Yeah of course Aman! Thanks for not waking me 😅. It's fine if they come over I'll just have to clean the house 😔😲😭
A: haha sorry babe! Gtg my friend Laura needs to help me with something. I don't know what!
L: Oh ok😆 bye babe ❤️😘 your mine later.
A: She wants to stay tonight😥😞
L: Oh ok😭 ttyl babe I better start cleaning
A: M K bye babe

I start cleaning and I received a call from a random number.
Laura: Hey is this Lilly Singh
Lilly: Hey yes it is who is this?
Laura: It's Amans friend who is staying the night my name is Laura! Nice to meet you!!
There is something fishy about this girl
Laura: Lilly, In the guest room I want fresh towels and fresh soap making everything neat and making sure, Aman sleeps with me and not you, he will be mine and mine only
Lilly: First, You get what you get. Second, I'm engaged to Aman and we are getting married next month! (A/N look out for that chapter coming January 8th!) So please no and go back to helping Aman.
I hang up and instantly call Aman.
Aman: Hey lil what's up?!
Lilly: Aman, Laura said that she wants t-
Aman: Lil I'm coming home tell me later ok! Laura won't be back for a while ok!! She needs to do more work.

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