Chapter 21, The recovery

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A Few Days Later

Lilly's POV

I have spent the past few days looking after Aman. What happened to him was unfair! Sure I was knocked out completely but I'm fine!! I'm not so sure about Aman. He had rope burns everywhere and lots of cuts on his arms and legs. I'm sure he will be alright but he just needs some more time! Our wedding is in a few weeks so hopefully he will be ok!

Aman: Lil, Can I please have something to eat
Lilly: Of course baby. I will do anything for you
Aman: Sooooo cliche babe

We busted out into laughter. I kissed him on the cheek

Lilly: I love you babe!
Aman: I bet I love you more.
Lilly: That's not possible
Aman: I bet it is!! Come here

He crashes his lips into mine. I haven't felt this way in a long time. Aman makes me feel a certain way I can't describe.

(A/N I'm officially humble the poet that all rhymed.)

About 10 Mins Later

I pull away breathless.

Lilly: So are you still hungry babe
Aman: I guess.
Lilly: Are you ok?!
Aman: I'm amazing because your right next to me.
Lilly: Your such a dork

I kiss him one more time before I get up to start making us some dinner. I decided to make us some Mac and Cheese.

I go back into the bedroom carrying it on a tray.

Lilly: Here ya go.
Aman: Mac and Cheese my favourite! Thanks babe
Lilly: You're welcome. Let's see what movie we can watch on the computer before we go to bed.
Aman: Lil
Lilly: Yes Aman
Aman: Are you ok?! You've been looking after me for these past few days and I feel as you haven't been looking after your self
Lilly: I'm perfectly fine Aman! I'm just super tired and have a massive migraine.
Aman: Lil im feeling a lot better then I was earlier and I think that you need some rest.
Lilly: I've gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be back!

It's almost the end of the month and I haven't gotten my period. I don't wanna be pregnant. Sure it would be amazing after what happened last time but I just don't think I'm ready.

Lilly: Aman?
Aman: yes lil?!
Lilly: I haven't gotten my period yet...
Aman: Don't worry Lil! I'm sure it's just late! You'll be perfectly fine! You should get some rest!
Lilly: Seriously Aman! I'm scared. What if I'm pregnant.
Aman: I know what happened last time was heartbreaking! But if you are it's going to be amazing. Think of the positives like you always do.

I started to break down. What if I was pregnant. I don't want to be if I am. Aman and I haven't done anything like that lately in fact only once!! So I can't be! I just decided to get some sleep.

The next day

Aman's POV

Last night Lil was freaking out because her period wasn't coming. I wake up to a red stain on the bed... She'll be happy to find out that she got her period and there is nothing to worry about!

A few hours later.

I was sitting in the family room and heard really fast footsteps on the wood floors. It sounded like Lil was running to the bathroom. Clearly she just woke up.

Lilly: AMAN!!!!!!
Aman: Calm down Lil it's fine! Aren't you happy!!
Lilly: Yes! I think the most happiest I've ever been to get my period.

The sound is muffed but I can hear her through the bathroom door.

Lilly: can you please change the sheets!
Aman: Of course babe.

12 Hours Later

Lilly's POV

Lilly: Aman, I'm not feeling to well right now...
Aman: What's wrong?!
Lilly: I don't know! My stomach hurts a lot and I feel really dizzy
Aman: come over here and lie down next to me.

I get up to try and move closer to Aman but I stumble and almost fall. Aman catches me and lies me down on the couch.

Aman: Tell me when your ready to go to bed.
Lilly: I feel sicker then before.
Aman: What do you mean?
Lilly: I feel like I might throw up
Aman: I'll go and get a bucket just in case you do ok lil?
Lilly: Thanks Aman. Your the best!

Aman's POV

It's now 4 in the morning and Lil has been throwing up like crazy. I don't know why?! She has been really dizzy and can't sit or stand up. It's my turn to look after her!


Hey guys! Thanks for 800+ views!! Imma change it up a little... When this story hits 1k views I will release the wedding chapter!! We're almost at 900 views so not long!! Comment if you guys are excited for the wedding chapter!!

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram
@lillysrainbowskittles 😊 see you guys later!😘

I would die for you❤️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ