Chapter 22 I dont know.

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Lilly's POV

I didn't get the best sleep last night. I was throwing up all night and couldn't really sleep at all. I wake up to find a note from Aman

Hey princess,

I had to go to some really short meetings. I left at about 8am and will be back around 6pm. I hope your feeling better, I left some microwave soup. Also when we get home I need to talk to you about something to do with tomorrow because it's New Year's Eve tomorrow!
I'll see you later baby girl.
Love you xx

This is why I love Aman. I reach over to check the time. It's 5:50pm! Woah I slept in for a long time. I hear the door unlock. I walk out into the family room to go and see Aman.

Lilly: Hey handsome
Aman: Lil! You're awake!
Lilly: haha I literally just woke up tho so...
Aman: did you get my note
Lilly: yes I did! It was on my face!
Aman: Sorry babe! It was the only place I could put it to make sure that you saw it!!
Lilly: Sure! Sure it was babe
Aman: I'm going to change into some more comfortable clothes and then I will
Lilly: first I need one small thing
Aman: What do you want Lil?!

I crash my lips into his.

Aman: Uh uh uh lil what did I say

I saw a smirk on his face

Lilly: Aww cmon babe please! For me
Aman: please Lil!
Lilly: it's either I get a quick kiss now or you get none of this booty tonight
Aman: Fine!

I crash my lips into his for a second time. The 'quick kiss' I said turned into a makeout session. I slowly pull away to see his lips slightly swollen.

Lilly: Go and get changed bruv

I go and sit down in the couch and start to go on Instagram. I was interrupted by a cold hand touching the back of my neck

Aman: Hey princess
Lilly: Hey handsome
Aman: Can we talk about New Year's Eve?
Lilly: Of course
Aman: So if it's ok with you I've invited humble and Anoshine. It's just going to be a small party of us four.
Lilly: Of course that's fine!! One thing. No New Years kiss for you Mr Ink.
Aman: Why?!
Lilly: Humble doesn't know about us.
Aman: Are you planning on telling him? We have been together for almost 2 years!
Lilly: I guess...
Aman: Lil, look at me

I look him in the eyes

Aman: Who knows about us?
Lilly: Your parents, My parents and most of our family and Anoshine.
Aman: Not even team super?
Lilly: No

I felt so bad that even my fans didn't know! They are so close to me and now I'm just keeping secrets from them.

Aman: I'm not mad at you Lil. Don't ever think that. When your ready, you can tell who ever you want but we can't hide it forever.

Lilly: I mean we can but

Aman: NO! We can't! It's like leaving your work forever and not doing it! It's going to be that hard to hide! One day you might forget to take the ring off and team super will notice!

Lilly: Aman, when I'm ready I will tell them but probably not for a while.

Aman: Like I said, whenever you're ready princess

Lilly: I love you babe.

Aman: I love you.

Lilly: Get over here!

I smack the empty spot on the couch. He comes and sit next to me. Instead of sitting on the couch I hop onto Amans lap.

Aman: Excited much?!

Lilly: Why yes, yes I am Mr. Ink

Aman: Lil,

Lilly: Yes Baby

Aman: Whatcha doing?!

Lilly: Oh nothing

Aman: Are you sure?

Teasing him was my absolute favourite thing to do!

Lilly: So Aman

Aman: What are you trying to do Lil

I saw a smirk cross his face

Lilly: Calm down Mr Ink.

Aman: Come on lil what are you doing?!

I crash my lips into his but he pulls away

Lilly: What's wrong?!

Aman: Really? All of that for a kiss?

Lilly: Yo, I'm not gonna get pregnant you do realise that.

Aman started to laugh

Aman: Of course not!! In fact I don't think I'm ready and I don't have to do

Lilly: Shut up and kiss me bruv

I crash my lips into his again! After about 5 mins i pull away

Lilly: Let's continue this in the bedroom

Aman: I'm more comfortable here!

Lilly: Haha Fine!

Aman slips his hands under my shirt and try's to lift it over the top of my head

Lilly: Not that easy bruv... You first.

Aman: Uh no.

Lilly: Fine well imma go do some more work. See ya!

Aman: Nooo Lil!

Lilly: Huh? Sounds like Mr Ink doesn't want me leave!

I crash my lips into his for like the 1000000th time today!

10 mins later, still kissing make our way to our room, still kissing. We fall onto the bed. I pull away.

Lilly: I thought you were comfortable on the couch Mr Ink!

Aman: Shut up!

We both started to laugh out of control.

Lilly: It's only 8pm

He presses his lips against mine and starts to move lower and attacks my neck

Lilly: Don't go to crazy bruv I have meetings tomorrow!!

Clearly he didn't listen but I didn't care.
I stood up and started to walk to the family room.

Aman: What are you doing.

I just giggled and kept walking. Of course he followed me. I lie down one the couch.

Lilly: My stomach hurts Aman.

Aman: Are you ok?

Lilly: I guess I'll be ok.

An hour later

Aman's POV

Lilly: Aman,

Aman: Yes princess

Lilly: my stomach still hurts

Aman: Is there anything I can do for you.

Lilly: I don't know babe.

I slip my hands under her shirt and start massaging her stomach.

Lilly: Thanks babe.

Aman: It's ok baby.

I continue to massage her stomach.

Lilly: I'm going to go get some chipotle.

Aman: Ok babe.

Lilly: I'll be back soon! Love you

Aman: Bye babe.

I press my lips to hers.

Lilly: Bye babe

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