Chapter 7: Princess?!?!?!

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A/N: this is going to be interesting.



"My people! May i present to you, the new dragon princess!"

I woke up with a start.


A month flew by very quickly.

I had the same dream over and over.

'Was the dream real? Am I a princess?' i thought to my self, not paying any attention to the class that was going on in front of me.

"Miss Herona, if you do not answer the question right now you will be going to Dumbledore's office!" Professor Snape said coldly.

"Oh! Umm......" I replied

"It's wolfsbane." Whispered the boy next to me. It was Draco.

"Miss Herona, mister Malfoy, you two shall be spending the evening in my office serving detention."

"Ugh..." I whispered, to soft for even my self to hear.

We dismissed from potions.

"Hey, sorry i got you a detention!" Draco apologized.

"It's ok." I whispered.

"Hey, umm, i was wondering if you would, umm, hang out with me sometime?"

"Sure, i guess."

"Ok! Cool!" He said as he walked off.


A week later...

I met Draco in the library.

I sat down next to him as he worked on homework.

"I'll be right back." I said.

"Ok." He said.

I walked over to a section that started with D.

I found two books on Dragons.

I sat down next to Draco and read.

The dragon encyclopedia

Some dragons are rare, some aren't. There are many dragons in the world and some are being hunted right now.

It had small tabs and a flipped to the tab that had dragon breeds that started with A.

Asian ridge-back. No.

Aweenla smooth feather. What?

Asonawa golden scaled. Now I'm just confused.

Aztec feathered northern ridge-back. Yes! Finally!

I took a look at the picture. It looked exactly like me but the dragon was bronze colored.

Status: endangered.

Rarity: extremely rare.

Colors: black,gold,silver,bronze,blue,green.

Chance of albino: one in a billion.

Wow I am rare.

Eye colors: green,blue,gold,black,teal,white,red.

Found in far north in Aztec area.


If found please leave dragon along. It could kill you in seconds.


They get powers from sun and moon,ocean,land,and air.

Egg colors: same color as feathers.

Chance of laying egg of this breed: one in a thousand.

Hunt alone.

Likes solitude but loves hatch mates and family.

Curses don't effect unless hit in eye.

I closed the book.

I am amazed.


A/N: cool. Right?

So much info brain cant handle!

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