In a New Day

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Happy Reading mon petite fraise! Xzavier King on the side!

Song: Do it Again by Pia Mia

In a New Day

I brushed my hair lightly and blotted my face for any oil off my face. I was wearing a light nude pink knitted sweater and a white stretchy jeans.

"You know we are being moved to a different buildings ," Mrs. Lott said. She works at the registration desk and with our schedule.

"Why is that?," I said frowning."I heard about the meeting where every trainer and the coworkers have to attend, but not that?"

"Oh, it's not a big deal. It's just a meeting to congratulate and introduce us to the new boss. Apparently, the one before this one traded this building for something better," she said smiling at me.

"Oh," I said dumbfounded." What is his name?"

"Don't know," she laughed." Ain't that why there is a meeting."

"Right,"I rolled my eyes.

She left me in the women's room with her heels hitting the tile floor. Mrs. Lott has been married for ten years now and since I have been working here, she's been helping me around. On free time we would go out for lunch or just talk.

I finally fixed myself up and decided to leave the bathroom. I walked down the hallway till I reached the elevators. The first level was the registration desk and lounge room. The next couple of floor were weight rooms and dance studios with mirrors. I enter the doors and clicked the third to last floor of the building. The last level was for the CEO and the second to last was for more exclusive staff members or for important meetings.

I was a couple seconds away from reaching my floor and quickly check myself one last time on the elevator. Yes, this elevator had mirrors on all side. It is pretty classy and fancy. I love working here. The door open and I stepped out and turned right. If I remember correctly, the big room is on the right side of this hallway. The floor was covered in a deep dark red color and the walls were painted In a soft warm yellow color. I secretly smiled at myself. I know, sounds creepy right. Have you have had that moment where you just smile for no apparent reason.

"Are you smiling at me," a deep low voice said teasingly. It sounds familiar, his voice. Where have I heard it? "Up here darling."

I lift my head up to see him staring down at me. In my perspective, words can't explain how gorgeous he looked. His dark lightly riffed hair was naturally brushed back. His hair matched his dark arouse grey eyes, and don't get me started on his perfectly thick eye brows. His strong nose and high cheekbone made sure he looked like Apollo and his pink plump lips were so supple.

"You know, they do say a picture last longer," he taunts as I just gawk at him. He looks and sounds familiar, I just don't remember from where.

I frowned and said," excuse me, sir."

"Oh, so the lady does speak," he said smiling." Mind telling me your name."

"I have no business with you," I checked my watch and shit I was late. " and I am late for an important meeting."

His beautiful playful face turned dark. I knew he was disappointed and much more. He leaned toward me as I backed away from him. I stopped my track and froze. My back was pressing against the wall and breathe hitched. His face leaned in close to mine. His breathe cold and surprising smelled like fresh mint.

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