Chapter 5

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The bell rang for clubs.. Are you kidding I don't know where this club even is! I should have paid more attention to where is was going yesterday..

I looked around and my eyes landed on a group of blushing giggling girls that staired back at me..

"Hey you" I glared at one of the girls she blushed a deep red and walked up to me.

"Y-Yeah?" She stuttered

"Do you know where the host club is?" She brighten up and her friends ran up to me. They hit me all with questions.

"Are you in the host club?!" Dumbass 1 said

"Do you know someone there?" Dumbass 2 said

"Do you like one of the host club members" I blushed and somehow they though that since I blushed it was saying 'yes'. They screamed out and asked me some more questions while dragging me off somewheres.

"Which one is it?!" Dumbass 2 said

"Mori?!" Dumbass 3 said

"What about Kyoya?!" Dumbass 1 said

"Can you shut up and show me the way?!" I glared at them blushing deeper shades of red. They giggled and shoved me into a door.

A bright light engulf me and rose petals got shoved in my face. With "Welcome~" the light finally dimmed down.

"Urg.. Father must be happy to see my pain" I said. No one really caught it.

"Alastair!!" Tamaki came running at me but stopped once he noticed my deadly glare

I felt a tap on my arm and turned around to meet the 3 dumbasses that brought me here.

"U-Um? Are you a host now? C-Cause if so we would want to request you.." I looked at them then looked at Kyoya who smiled at them.. What's up with the sudden modesty?

Wait you smile at them but you never smile at me? I burned with jealously.. Wait jealously I did not burn with jealously I was burning with nothing I don't care if he smiles at them. Kyoya interrupted my interconflict with my self.

"Of corse he is working here and you are his first customers." They giggled then dragged me off to a group of couches. Wait! Customers?! Is this prostitution?! I mean I don't have a problem with prostitution.. But I doubt I will be good at it.. And it's definitely not free!!

After talking with my 'Customers' I find out I couple things. For one I have a fan base at this school before I even came to it.. That's creepy.

"Okay let's talk about something interesting" I said while shaking my head learning about the idiotic things happening at this school.. I looked up to have my customers looking at me with devilish looks.

"Then let's talk about you and Kyoya" I jumped out my sit and covered that dumbass mouth.

Looked to see if Kyoya had heard from where he stood. Thank god he didn't and I sat back down and sighed. I look back at her and the dumbass was blushing again..

"There's nothing between us.." I looked over back at Kyoya for a while and the girls aww-ed gathering Kyoya attention for us to make eye contact and I quickly looked back at my 'customers' and a blush spread across my face..

"You really do like him~" Dumbass 2 said

"W-What? No I don't!!" I glared at them

"We are immune to your glared now that we know your weakness" dumbass 1 said with the creepiest of smiles. Shit fan girls are not to be messed with..

"Who would bottom?" I blushed at the question.

"Definitely not--" I was going to finish the sentence with 'me' but remembering what happened last night It would seem like I would be bottom..

The dumbasses giggled and blushed once again.

"So your the uke" I looked at her confused

"The neko?... The catcher?... Urg! THE BOTTTOM!" She screamed out the only one I understood. I mean how many gay novels has she read to know all these names..

"Are you serious?!" I yelled back at her. Everyone's attention was on us including Kyoya.

"What are you looking at?! Get back to your prostitution" I glared and everyone seemed to go back to their prostitution even though I called it prostitution.

I looked back at Kyoya who started to walk over to where we are.

"Oh shit" I said looking at the ground only looking up when Kyoya said something..

"Is everything okay?" He smiled at the girls and glared at me for only a second then returned to the girls who just giggled and said everything was fine.

I glared at them begging them not to say a thing.. So I might like Kyoya that's okay? Right nothing is wrong with gay couples now. I mean Most of the world is on broad for gay marriage internationally.. So I have a little bit of a crush. Kyoya doesn't like me like that so I have to just forget all-. I started to pout. It's just a little crush I'll get over it.

"Man.. I really do like him... This is bad"

I love tall bottoms.. Hehe

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