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Edi ran to his den seeing stone's strength face."what is stone I was in the middle training my pups "barked Edi."you see I don't like the way you do stuff around here anymore"stone said as he questioned The way that Edi has been doing everything the exact same way." Ummm I see but I haven't changed any thing...and you have no right to speak like the way I do things around here it for the pack"replied Edi."yes yes you see in the potrols we have been smelling a Bear and do you know how easy it is for an wolf attack to look like a bear did it...blood everywhere,your organs all over the ground and your body ripped in to two"hissed stone."where are you getting at stone"replied Edi."I going to kill you and echo the your pups no one from your blood line will survive then I will step up my family to be the next alphas and who ever doesn't agree will die!"hissed stone."That will never happen don't you know what the gaurdians will do" replied Edi."yes....they won't give me my 5 lives"replied stone.Edi ran off to the top of the den and called a pack meeting."moon pack we seem to have a traitor in this pack...someone you'lol never expected it to be it is stone inside my den he planed on killing me and my whole family just to be the next alphas!" Howled Edi."ThAts not true "hissed stone."but it is true and it against pack code ....stone I hope you know what you have done...your only pup and your mate will be without you....stone your punishment will be Exile!" Hissed Edi.Everyone in moon pack gasped after all that hasn't been done in ages."fine my son will you join me?"he asked his only son."ummm..."his said as he heard Whispers like what taking him so long ,he's going to say yes that s his dad."No!i will not you have almost harmed a blood line to become alpha I think I'd rather die!"barked his son storm."fine but all of you watch you backs I will return and I will take this pack!"hissed stone."what don't you understand about exile leave befor we do somthing far worse!"hissed Edi.As he left the pack not knowing where he's going he promised to take over the pack.

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