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Lucy's POV

Me and Mira were currently cutting the meat into slices. Lisanna was setting the sliced meat down on a pile of leaves. During the course or time, everyone brought a bunch of wood and fire wood. Now everyone was currently building houses. I look at Mira. "should we tell them it's time to eat? The food is done." Mira smiles "lets eat first then call them over. You'll see why after" I nod slowly. Mira hands me a bunch of meat slices. I nod in thanks and start eating. I widen my eyes at the taste. It was strangely good. After we eat, Mira and Lisanna send me to tell the others it's time to eat. Everyone was in charge of building their own house. I went over to them. "MINNA, ITS TIME TO EAT!" I yell then they all race over to Mira and Lisanna. Master and Gildarts only walked. I smile then walk back over to Mira. I sit on a stump and smile as everyone starts talking. Then I see Cana and Gildarts talking. I frown then look up at the ocean above us. ' there goes my plan to see papa after this ' I sigh.

Three hours later, the sun starts to set. It was really dark but we could still see. Natsu was dragging me to the cabins everyone built. We get to Natsu's cabin. I widen my eyes then they soften as I see the sign on the side. It said 'Natsu, Happy, and Lucy'. I smile. Then I snap my fingers when Natsu says "what about beds?" I bring out a key. "Open gate of the Ram! Aries!" Then Aries pops out "I'm sorry! What do you need?" "can you go into all of these cabins and make beds out of wool?" "y-yes, I'm sorry". Natsu grins at me. "thanks Lucy." "don't thank me" "why not?" "Aries is doing everything. I only summoned her." After a few minutes, Aries made beds out of wool for everyone's house. I wave at her and thank her. When she disappears, it leaves a 'I'm sorry' echo in the air. I face palm. "she doesn't have to say sorry. "

The sun eventually set. We all retired into our freshly-built cabins. Mira shared one with Lisanna and Elfman, I feel sorry for her. Laxus shared one with master. Evergreen had one to herself. Erza, Wendy, and Carla shared one. Cana and Gildarts shared one, because of the overprotective father thing. Bixlow and Freed shared one. Gajeel, Lily, and Levy shared one. I shared one with Natsu and Happy. We didn't have any more clothes so I said to everyone that I'll call Virgo tomorrow. Then we all went off to our own cabins. I sigh and flop down on the pink bed that Aries made. I bury my face in it. "seriously, why me?" "who knows?" I glance over and see Natsu shrugging. Happy flies into the bed. I snuggle under the blankets. Natsu climbs in as well. I smile softly then fall asleep.

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