Bath with Few

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Lucy's POV

Me and Natsu were taking a bath in the springs. No one else was there except for Wendy, Happy, and Carla. I was sitting next to Natsu. "Lucy-san, is that a mate mark?" I touch the mark lightly. I nod smiling. "Yep, Natsu marked me." Wendy blushes. "C-congrats Natsu-san, Lucy-san" Natsu grins and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "She's mine. The whole mating process will wait for another day." I look at him. "Whole process?" Wendy stutters. "Y-yeah, Natsu-san will tell you later." I look at Natsu. He shrugs and nods. "Wendy will probably faint if I told you here." I tilt my head and nod. I scoot over to Wendy. "I'm going to wash your back Wendy" She nods then turns around. I grab the soap and start scrubbing her back.

I feel something on my back. I glance behind me and see Natsu grinning. I blush. "Warn me first" "Nope!" I sigh as I continue to scrub Wendy's back. "You're good at this Lucy-san" I smile. "Really? The only person I ever did this to was Natsu and now you" Natsu stops in his tracks. "What about before Fairy Tail?" I sigh. "I never had any friends before Fairy Tail besides the spirits. The spirits aren't a good idea to take a bath with." Natsu and Wendy sweatdrop. "Imagine taking a bath with Aquarius." As Wendy says that, I turn pale and my soul leaves my body. "Lucy/ Lucy-san?!" Natsu grabs my soul and pushes it back in me. I shake my head and sweatdrop. "I did when I was little." Natsu sighs. "What were you thinking back then?" I pat Wendy's back. "Done" She smiles and nods. I lean into Natsu. "I was thinking that I can take a bath with my only friend. But you can imagine how that went."

I hum as I wash Natsu's back. I smile. The tune I was humming was familiar. "What're you humming?" "An old song my mother sang to me" "Really?" I nod. "It was something she sang when she tucked me in. Its unfortunate that I forgot the words." Natsu leans back into me, making my boobs press against his back. "If you do remember, sing it for me will ya?" I nod. "Of course." "Lucy-san?" I look at Wendy "yes?" She blushes. "W-will you sing it for me too?" I giggle. "I'll sing it for the whole guild. How about that?" Wendy smiles. "Ok!"  

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