Time Skip

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Lucy's POV

Five have passed. Five years since the attack of Acnologia. We barely changed at all. My hair is halfway down my back. Natsu's hair has gotten pinker for some reason. I teased Natsu a bunch of times for it. No one else really changed. Virgo made us new clothes. Not celestial clothes but actual clothes. I now wear a white crop top that has a blue heart bordered in gold. A short black skirt, black leggings and a new pair of boots. Natsu's had just longer white pants and a longer over coat thing.

Monsters attacked the cabins that we originally made on the beach. So we made tree houses. The population of monsters have grown massively. It was strange, however, we used the monsters to train ourselves. I can summon three golden keys at the same time now. However it took me a long time. I meditate with Capricorn everyday to store more magic power. Natsu said that he was training himself to use the lightning fire dragon mode. He won't let me see it, so I try to spy on him. But they always fail. I don't know why Natsu doesn't let me watch. Eh, I'll find out later.

I was currently trying to spy on Natsu, I was crouching in a tall tree, I climbed myself. Hopefully I was high enough for Natsu to not be able to sniff me out. Natsu throws his head back before he stops in place. I tense up when he stops and looks in my direction. I blush in embarrassment when he motions me down. I stand up then jump off of the tree. Trusting Natsu, I fall in the direction he was at. As I suspected, he catches me bridal style. "How tall was that tree Natsu?" "500 feet" "Sweet" "How is that sweet, if I didn't catch you-" I cut him off. "I knew you would catch me, that's why I jumped off."

"Attempt 247: fail" "You actually keep count?" Natsu nods and sets me down. "Yeah, why?" I sigh and put my hands on my hips. "Nothing, can I watch you train?" "No, Fail number 592" "YOU KEEP COUNT OF THAT TOO!" Natsu pouts. "Yes" "Can I watch." "No, 593" "Why not?" Natsu looks away and mumbles something. "What was that?" "I said, that you would be a distraction" I pout and cross my arms. "How?" Natsu's cheeks turn pink slightly. "I don't know" I bite the inside of my cheek. "Can you at least tell me what you're doing?" Natsu stares at me.

Natsu sighs. "fine, you can watch after as well" I jump and hug around his neck. "THANK YOU!" Natsu hugs me back hesitantly. "N-no problem" I go and sit down by a tree. Natsu sighs and pulls on his scarf slightly. "Alright, so I mastered going in lightning dragon mode a while bac-" "WHAT!" "-k and now I'm training to use dragon force at anytime, I can barely activate it." My jaw drops in shock. "W-w-what!? Seriously!" "Yep" I rub my temples. "Crazy" "watch" I look at Natsu. He was now sitting cross-legged on the ground, eyes closed. His hands made it look like he was praying. Then I widen my eyes.

Natsu snapped his eyes open at me. His eyes were glowing green and were slitted like a dragons. Bright red scales grew under his eyes, forehead, and arms. His fangs get pointier and longer. Natsu slowly stands up. I stand up and walk towards him. "Can I feel your scales?" Natsu nods. "Sure" I walk closer to him. I stroke the scales on his cheeks. Natsu seems to purr. Wait, purr? "Natsu, are you purring?" Natsu nods. "No use denying it, yes I am" "Way to be blunt" I use both hands to feel the scales. I feel the tiny bumps between each scale, the way the scales shift with my thumbs.

Natsu purrs louder. I giggle. "The way you purr is adorable" Natsu stops purring for a second. Then he turns his head and kisses the palm of my hand. "You call me cute, most people would be scared of me in this way, purring or not" I blush. "When am I not normal?" Natsu shrugs. "I have to get out of this state before I pass out." I take my right hand off his cheek. I go to take the left hand but Natsu grabs it. I tilt my head. "What are you doing?" Natsu only answers me with a purr. Natsu then deactivates dragon force with my hand on his cheek still.

"Pet me" I turn red. "Why?" "Just do it" I keep my hand on his cheek and use my other hand to slide my fingers in his soft hair. Natsu grabs my waist and sits down again, making me sit in his lap. I blush again. Natsu nuzzles my hand that is on his cheek. "You're acting weird" Natsu has changed over the years, not as stupid or charging in blindly. Natsu glances at me, making me blush. "There's a reason for that" I tilt my head. "and that is?" I use both hands to slide through his hair, making him purr even louder. "Yeah, but I don't want to say" "why not?" "It's embarrassing." I take my hands out of his hair, making Natsu pout. "I'll stop until you say" Natsu opens his mouth.

"COME ON LOVEBIRDS, DINNERS READY!" We look over and see Gray, who has a smirk on his face. I glare at him "Whatever, We'll be there in a minute!" "Don't take so long kissing!" I sigh as he walks away. "Tch, damn ice popsicle" I tilt my head. "So?" Natsu shakes his head. "I'll tell you in the tree house." I pout but nod. "alright" I get off of Natsu's lap and offer him a hand. Natsu smiles and grabs my hand and pulls himself up. Then we head over to the others.

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