Chapter 1

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Hi all, this is a fan fiction of Barbra Gordon, aka Batgirl. That being said, I do not own the rights to the characters, but the story around and the interpretation of the major events are my own. Thanks for reading, and enjoy.


Chapter 1

The deafening ring of the bell sounds my freedom. I swing my backpack over my shoulder, rush out the door, and make a beeline to my locker. High school is tough for everyone... especially when you're two grades ahead of your age group. Yep, I'm graduating high school at 16 and got a full ride to Gotham State University. You can imagine I'm not the most popular girl in school.

I hurry and grab the books I need from my locker and close the door to see Dick Grayson; a real senior and constant annoyance. When he moved here in eighth grade, we were actually friends, but since then he found his own crowd.

"Hey Babs."

"I told you not to call me that," I groan as I turn away and walkaway.

"I know, but- hey wait up!"

I pick up my pace, but somehow he catches up to me, "What do you want Grayson?"

"What? I can't talk with my friend?"

"I'm still your friend?"

"Of course, Babs, what would change that?"

"Hmmm, let me see, the time two of your jock friends took my backpack and threw it in the dumpster..."


"Oh wait, that happened more than once..."


"Oh and let's not forget the part about your cheerleader friends saying I have no soul in the locker room every day before gym."

He grabs my arm and pulls me to a less crowded part of the hallway, "Barbara why didn't you do anything?"

"You mean fight back? With the way my dad is? The better question is why you didn't you?" Feeling like I made my point, I turn and walk out of Gotham County High. To my surprise, my step mom's black sedan is out front.

"Sarah what are you doing here?" I ask as I slide into the car.

"I decided to take off work early since your dad's going to be working late."


"He wanted to be at your class tonight, but something's come up."

"Does he realize they're going to give me my brown belt?"

"What? I thought you have to go through a test or something."

"I did. They don't tell you it's your test, but after they had me lead several classes and spar with them, I got a hunch that was my test."

"Well, I'll be there when it's official. I always will be."

I smile, "Thanks, Sarah. So what "came up" ?"


"No. Way. Batman?!"

"Who else? He and Robin have tipped your father off to so many things, and they haven't been wrong. The jails are nearing maximum capacity, and Arkham is busier than ever. They're doing a lot of good work for Gotham, even if they're vigilantes."

"They're heroes, Sarah."

"It's going to take a lot to get a cop to say that."

She pulls up to our apartment, and I quickly run in and change into my gi. I jump back into the car and a few minutes later, we pull up to the school.

"Dammit," I hear her mumble.

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot the camera at home. Your dad would love to see some pictures."

"We can probably make it home and back again."

"No, it's alright, Barbara. I'll drop you off and get it. I'll be back to see you, I promise."

I smile and wave as she drives off. As class began, I lead the group in warm-ups and the rest of class went on as normal. Just as we were about to bow out, the senseis stood in their line and knelt down. I took this queue to kneel down as well. The rest of my class knelt down in a line behind me. This is it. The one in the center, Master Ritoz, pulls a brown belt from behind his back, bowing his head as I bow mine. I see the belt enter my vision, take it in my hands, and look up at him.


I smile and turn towards the seating at the back of the room, but Sarah's not there. I look back to Master Ritoz and fake a smile. Where is she? After class is dismissed, I grab my bag and head out to the parking lot. The sedan is nowhere in sight. The number of cars in the lot dwindles as I anxiously look for her. Suddenly, a red sports car speeds into the lot and stops in front of me. Dick is behind the wheel.

"Babs, Sarah's in the hospital," He says, panting like he ran here from Bruce Wayne's mansion.


"Get in, I'll explain on the way."

As soon as my seatbelt clicks, he speeds off to Gotham General. When I get over how fast he's driving, I ask the question plaguing my mind. "What happened?"

"She was jumped by some of Thorne's guys, but Batman and Robin saved her. It could have been much worse if they hadn't gotten there in time."

"How did you find out?"

The car screeches to a stop. "We're here."

"Oh... um, thanks for the ride."

"Be safe, Babs."

I shoved the lingering thought of how he knew to the back of my head as I entered the hospital. As I follow the receptionist's directions to her room, my heart races. Eventually, I am outside the doors to the intensive care unit. There is a waiting room outside, and I can see my dad inside pacing back and forth. I push the doors open and he turns around.

"Oh thank god," He sighs as he hugs me tightly, "I'm so glad you're okay."

"How is she?"

"Well... there's some internal bleeding, and her wrist is broken. I'm glad they got to her when they did. It could have been a lot worse. I'm just glad you're okay, kiddo."

"Me too, Dad."

About three hours later, we are able to go see her. I take a deep breath and walk in with my father.

"She's going to be just fine," The nurse assures us, "She will probably wake up later today. She needs all the rest she can get."

"Thank you," My dad smiles briefly as we walk into the room.

It is completely silent except for the beeping of a machine that monitors her heart rate. My dad pulls up a chair to sit by her side, but I am overcome by the brutality of her injuries. Her face is almost unrecognizable because it bruised so bad. There are some scratches on her forearms and forehead, probably from the sidewalk, and deep bruises around her wrist and neck. There is already a cast around the broken wrist, but there is little they can do for the bruises except ice and pain medication.

"Thorne will pay for this," My dad grunts as he gently grasps Sarah's hand.

Something clicks in my head as he says that. Justice needs to be served, and I'll be the one to do it.


A/N: I added some pictures to the chapter from the Batman Wiki so you guys can get an idea of where everything is. Always open to hearing what you all have to say.


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