Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I knock on Tom's office door.

"Come in."

"Hey, Tom."

"Hey, Barbara, what can I do for you?"

"Well, nothing really, I just wanted to let you know that I was able to update the catalog system as well as the online search engine. The digital site is complete, it just needs your sign off to make it accessible. Oh, and I went ahead and made some changes on the library's web page... you know to make it pop. What do you think?"

"I think it's only twelve thirty, and you're amazing."

"But you haven't even seen it!"

"Okay, okay." I hear him type on his keyboard. "Oh wow..."

"Cool huh? I even added some links to brain friendly game sites to improve learning for younger kids."

"I can't believe this... I mean, I can, I just can't believe you got all of this done in four and a half hours."

I chuckle, "Yeah, I'm a bit of an overachiever..."

"More like genius! Barbara, with all of this, we'll get more of Gotham's children reading and learning instead of gang-banging."

I bite my lip, trying not to laugh. Sounds like something my mom would say. I feel my smile falter a bit when I think of her. A lot of good memories... but the one I most remember unfortunately happens to be the worst one.

************ Flashback ************

"Where are mommy and James going?"

"They're going on a trip, Barbara... a very long trip."

"Why can't I go with?"

"Because you just can't, honey. Okay?"

I glance between my father and the front door. He yells after me as I run over and pull the door open to see my mom and my older brother James getting into a taxi.

"Barbara, honey, go back in the house." She says as she closes the back door of the cab.

"No, I wanna go too!"

"You can't, sweetheart."

"Why not?"


"Barbara," my dad says from the front steps, "please come inside."

"No!" I look around, but my mom is already in the cab. "Mommy?" As the taxi pulls away, my dad rushes down and keeps me from running after the car. "MOMMY!"


Snapping back to the present, I force my lips back into a smile.

"You know what, how about you take the rest of the afternoon off." Tom smiles.

"Are you serious?"

"I am very serious, and why don't we have you work until three instead of close. Oh! A raise too!"

What? "Tom... I, I don't know what to say besides thank you."

"You're a brilliant mind, Barbara. Before you, this place didn't have much of a future, but now, I can see life coming back into the building; and it's all because of you. Now, go enjoy the afternoon before the weather changes."

"Thank you, Tom!"

I go back to my desk and grab my things. I check my phone to see seven missed calls from Dinah. Oh crap... Then I see the text: We need to talk. That's it. She's going to kill me for not telling her. When I finally get to my apartment, I see her car parked outside.

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