Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I grumble, reaching for my smart phone. I groan as I hit the snooze button. My intentions were good setting an alarm, so I am up at a reasonable hour and not drawing suspicion... but man am I tired. I yawn and stretch as I stare out the window over the other buildings at the Gotham River. I can't believe I didn't know it was them. I mean come on! It's so obvious! How else can they afford all that stuff?

I wrap myself in my robe and yawn again as I hobble into the kitchen, thanking myself for buying a coffee maker... even if I don't normally drink it. Well, today's the day, Babs, that coffee maker isn't just for guests anymore. While I wait for the coffee to brew, I jump down onto the couch and turn on the TV.


"Ahhh!" I gasp. They know it's me! I mentally scold myself as I remember I had just turned on the TV. Hope that coffee is done soon....

"That's what they're calling the girl that tried to apprehend the Killer Moth last night." They show some footage of me... well, me in the suit, fighting Mothballs. "Although she and he got away, Killer Moth was found later outside GPD with his hands zip-tied together. Batgirl's identity remains unknown. In other news, a porcupine-"

Hearing my phone ringing in the other room, I turn the TV off and race to answer the call. Uh oh... It's dad. Play it cool, Barb. You can do this.

"Hey, Daddy."

"Barbara, glad I got a hold of you. I was worried when you didn't show up to the party."

"You know how the trains can be, dad. When I got there they had everything blocked off, so I just went home and saw on TV about this moth guy."

"Good, I just was curious how you were."

Puh-Lease... anytime he's curious about something, he's got a hunch. My hunch is that he thinks I'm Batgirl. I've got to throw him off track. "Really, dad?"


"Batgirl shows up and you're curious how I am? Really, I didn't think you'd stoop this low..."


"You know, I was going to bring doughnuts by for everyone to celebrate, but why bother when my dad thinks I'm a vigilante..."

"Barb, come on, you know how it seems..."

"Oh really? And I'm sure you know how it seems to me too then."

"Honey, I'm a cop, I have to cover every angle."

Got him. I sigh, "I know... I just wish you'd trust me a little more."

"You know I do... I just want to make sure my daughter isn't throwing herself into danger at every chance she gets. I'm glad you're okay, Barb."

"Thanks, dad."

"I'll talk to you later, kiddo."

"Bye, dad."

Phew... hopefully I won't have to worry about him again. Once I finish my coffee and breakfast, I get ready for the day. Before I leave, I go to my closet and pack my suit into my backpack, along with my laptop. I make sure my door is locked and head down the stairs. I pull out my phone to call Dick, but I am stunned to see him already outside, leaning against his car.

"Your timing is insane, you know that?"

He smirks, "I could say the same for you."

"So what exactly is the plan for today?"

"It's a surprise."

"Of course it is..."

Ten minutes later, we're in front of the gates of Wayne Manor. Wow. This place is HUGE. The grounds are beautiful! It's like an arboretum. He veers off the main driveway slightly and enters the garage. All these cars! How the heck do they fit all of these here? As I get out of the car, I spot the black sedan that they use to get around town.

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