Coffee and Flowers

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Phil woke up at his flat with a massive hangover. He couldn't remember anything from the night before except going to that stupid gay club with Pj.
Head pounding, he slowly got up. A wave of dizziness flooded over him. He was still in his tight black jeans and sweatshirt from the night before.
"Pj?!" He yelled from his bedroom. He couldn't find the strength or motivation to get up.
Pj hadn't answered.
"Peej!!" Again, no answer from his roommate. Maybe he was passed out, as well.
Phil checked his phone. 4 missed calls, 7 messages. He unlocked his phone and discovered all of his missed calls were from Pj. Great.
He checked his message box. The latest texts were from Pj, showing up first on the list, but the name below Pj's caught his eye.
Jade Jacorey.
This couldn't be right. Phil clicked on the message, revealing the message he had sent to "Jade" or whatever the fuck the strippers name was.
  please call or text anytime (;
  Jade had responded with another smiley. No wink, just a smile.
  How did Phil get his number? Why would he text Jade in the first place? He still couldn't remember a thing.
  He went back and read the messages from his flat mate.
  hey where are you? ready to go
  dude it's like closing, where are u
  I've looked everywhere omg dude
  are you ok I'm getting worried
  ok I'm assuming you went home and passed out, I hope I'm right
  Phil's guilt consumed him. What if Pj got hurt while he was busy doing God knows what? What was he doing with Jade?
  Phil wanted to text Jade and ask him, but couldn't type a letter. He didn't care, he decided, he just knew this would never happen again and he was not going back to Preston's.
  Phil deleted Jades number.
  He got up and searched for Pj. He wasn't in his bedroom or kitchen or living room. He was gone.
  After a quick text to his friend, Phil ate half a bag of Pj's dry cereal as he watched the news. The distraction worked, and soon Phil wasn't even thinking about the night before, just the roaring hangover.

  Phil stayed in all day, Pj eventually came back explaining his crazy erotic night. At least he wasn't mad at Phil.

  The next day, Phil had to go to work. He worked at a small flower shop that was just a block down from the flat. It was convenient and very pretty. Also, there was a Starbucks right across the street. Phil loved it.
  Phil got there at 11:30 and decided to get coffee before the day started. He walked in and waited through the line, looking through the glass at the snowman gingerbread cookies and peppermint cake-pops.
  There was a beautiful woman behind the counter Phil hadn't seen before. "Hi, what can I get for you today, sir?"
  Phil ignored the question. "Have we met?" His tongue poked through his grin.
  "Uh, I don't think so," the lady laughed lightly. She had a big bright smile and beautiful brunette hair that fell to her shoulders in little ringlets. Her eyes were bright blue, just like his own.
  "I work across the street, sorry I just couldn't help but notice the unfamiliar face," Phil couldn't stop grinning. "I'm Phil." He held out his hand.
  The woman grabbed his hand and shook it. "I'm Grace."
  "That's a beautiful name, nice to meet you, Grace." When Phil had a crush, he was told it was obvious. Phil always got crushes, it seemed like everywhere he went. But Phil never fell in love.
  That was Phil's big goal. To fall in love. To be so hopelessly in love, like the movies. To have kids and grow old together. The whole package.
  He just had to find the right person.
  "May I have a grande pumpkin spice latte please, no whip," Phil hoped Grace wouldn't judge his favored drink.
  When Phil picked up his drink, the side was scribbled on with sharpie: call me with a number. Cute.

A/N: this is such a short chapter sorry, this is just introducing a new character basically so (: pls don't hate me

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