Jealousy - Bokuto Koutarou

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A request from: AvidFangirl2016
Thanks for requesting. ( 'ω)──

Since the day your childhood came to your school, you couldn't leave his side since he keep on dragging you. Yes, a he which caused a certain owl to get frustrated.

"Bokuto-san, quit frowning and participate here"

Akaashi scolded his senpai as he crossed his arms. "Akaashi! Why is (Last Name) keep on hanging out with that guy?" he pointed your childhood friend, who's currently laughing with you. Jealousy began to filtered in him.

"Mm, maybe they're dating"

This cause his jealousy to increase more, forming a frown on his face. He puffed and went back to help in decorating.

Meanwhile~ (✿ ̄▽ ̄)

"So, Akaashi-kun is a serious type?"

You sweatdropped as you nodded. The reason why he keep on dragging you is because he likes Akaashi. Gay, I know but he was a waste, with his good-looking face. He could instantly swept a girl's heart in one glance but not you, Of course. You had someone in mind and no other than Bokuto.

"Oh gosh, (Last Name) Akaashi-kun keep on glancing here with his friend" he pointed out with a slight blush on his face.

(A/N: So gay-omigush—HAHAHA)

You glanced at them but your face turned into a confused one after seeing Bokuto's irritated expression. What's wrong with him, you worriedly thought.

"Akaashi-kun is so handsome" he chirped, hands on his cheek. You chuckled but stopped when you glanced back at Bokuto, still has his irritated face.

Nothing to do, you just shrugged it off as you went back to your class.

After class.

"Akaashi, what is he doing in here?"

Bokuto asked, puffing his cheeks as he glanced at you beside your childhood friend. "Bokuto-san, (Last Name) is our manager and you do know that he's always with her" Akaashi explained, looking at his senpai.

Bokuto only glared at the guy beside you.

What the hell is wrong with him?

You saw the glares that Bokuto keep on giving to your childhood friend. Of course, your gay childhood friend didn't notice this for his purpose was only Akaashi.

After the practice, you went over to talk to him. "Bokuto, what's wrong with you?" you asked as you crossed your arms. The male pouted, averting his eyes away from you. You sighed and cupped his cheeks to gain his attention. Bokuto taken a back, feeling his cheeks flared up. "Spit it out" despite him blushing.

"I—I'm just jealous that you're always with that guy. A-Are you guys dating?"

Your eyes widened before laughing hard. The male only looked at you, confused. "W-Why are you laughing, (Last Name)?" you smiled as you pinched his cheek.

"We're not dating, dummy and besides. He's actually a gay"

Bokuto's mouth drop as he glanced at your childhood friend, who's currently flirting with Akaashi. You only giggled as he glanced at you back with a red face.

"How cute you are when you're jealous, Bokuto" you tiptoed, giving the male a peck on his cheek before walking back to your childhood friend. Bokuto's face flushed, couldn't say anything for his heart is jumping in glee.

"W-Woah, Bokuto is not talking"

"Wah, Is he okay?"
"It's a miracle"

Meanwhile~ (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

"Akaashi-kun, what are your hobbies?"

"(Last Name) .. Help"

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