Vows - Akaashi Keiji

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I, Akaashi Keiji, take you, (Last Name) (First Name), to be my wife


The people cheered and congratulate the newlywed couple before them. You smiled as you thanked each one of them, with your hands intertwined with the man you loved the most, Akaashi.

"You two are really meant to be" your auntie chirped as both of you only chuckled.

"So, Mr. Akaashi. How's the wedding so far?" As you wrapped your arms around his neck, swaying and moving with the rhythm of the music.

"It was beautiful than I thought" He smiled before kissing your temple, gently placed his hands on your waist as if you were the fragile thing he ever had.

I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad,

Just then, the door opened, revealing your husband in suit with a frustrated face.

You sighed, knowing something happened again as you removed your apron.
"Welcome home" he only hummed and sat on the couch, laying his head.

"Mm, what happened this time?"

His eyebrows furrowed. You gave him the look that you knew that he'll eventually gave in.

As expected, he gave in as he released a big sigh.

"This boss of mine is giving me a pain in the ass and Bokuto is absent today; and that I had to deal with the presentation—and also the clients were being immature again"

You only giggled. Just listening at your husband, who still looks hot whenever he's furious about something.


"You're still hot whenever you're mad"

Akaashi only chuckled, engulfing you into an embrace.

"Thanks for making my day better"

"Mm, I love you"

"I love you too" as he kissed your lips.

in sickness and in health.

"Congratulations, you're having a baby boy"

You bursted in tears with joy, looking at the monitor where your baby can be seen. You caresses the screen, thanking that your baby was healthy.

You turned your head to see Akaashi, his eyes were widened, his eyes was shining like he was trying to held his tears that was coming off.

You couldn't help but giggled as tears still rolling down your eyes. "Just cry, Keiji"

He shook his head and smiled. "Not until I see him and in my arms"

I will love you and honour you all the days of my life.


"That's right, Papa"

You smiled as you entered your baby boy's room, to see his father playing and teaching him some words. "It's 9:00 pm, he has to sleep, Keiji"

Akaashi pouted before glancing back at his son. "Okay"

"But one last time, Papa"


You giggled, wrapping your arms around his waist. "Say Mama this time"

"Ma-mam" both of you laughed before kissing his forehead and put him back to his slumber.

You gently closed the door, trying to make a creak. "Keiji" he hummed as he pulled you into his arms. "I love you"

"I love you too" as both of you shared a passionate kiss.

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