>4th Reply: I guess it is...

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Dear YN,

I...I don't know what to say.

You're words pierced right through my heart like an arrow and it made me realize that I have feelings that I never knew I can have before.

Do you know how many times I had to read this to make sure I wasn't just a trick of the eye?

Truthfully speaking, this just makes me want to get to know you more. I mean, why not right? Since the first letter, I've always found myself thinking about you...what you look like (although I already know that you're as beautiful as you are kind...)

Gods...was I blushing for a moment there?

Whoa, who knew you had this effect on me YN? With just a simple letter you've made me feel... well, like this...

I seriously can't think straight; all I can think about right now is... is you.

Take as long as you need YN, I'll be right here waiting...and settling my feelings as well.

Always waiting,



Merry Christmas guys! I might be able to update again... later on :3 

I'm really having fun writing this and I'd appreciate it deeply if you vote, comment and share this story to your other fangirl/boy friends! (well, I'm not actually sure about the fanboy thing... hehehe)

I'm sure they'll love it!

thanks again! love you guys!


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