Lily vs. The one room apartment!

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Ivy's POV:

 My eyes groggily opened as I let out a yawn. Rubbing my eyes with my hands I noticed just how much smaller they had gotten. A sigh escaped my mouth as I once again snuggled into my brothers side. The tree of us were laying on the top of a staircase under a small dainty roof. I was sure that if it had rained we would be drenched due to unstableness of the makeshift cover. It seemed Alciel had woken up a while ago and was looking towards the street in deep thought. He was probably frustrated about our situation as well. I mean who wouldn't be at least frustrated after being kicked out of their home. Another small sigh escaped my lips as I buried my face in my brothers clothes trying to get a few more hours of sleep.


"Are we sure this contraption is safe"I asked wearily looking around for hidden danger.We were currently standing in  front of a metal box with the 'real-estate agents', a pretty shady bunch if ya ask me, in the midst of searching for a new devil's castle.

"Im not completely sure Lil ,but it is our only option it's to far to walk after all, and it's not like we can fly anymore." Satan answered. I sighed and scooted into the box leaning back against the surprisingly comfortable seat, still not letting my guard down.Soon we arrived at the castle to see it is quite small but had six rooms.Three on the top floor and three on the bottom. I guess it wasn't that bad for the time being.

"You will be renting the apartment at the top of the stairs." The one guy said as we looked in on the one room second story apartment . 

"WHAT DA FLYING TURTLE CAT!?!?!? WE CANT ALL STAY IN ONE ROOM"!!, I yelled in my native language causing everyone to look at me weirdly , and causing my brother and Alciel to sweat drop....strange its like we were in an anime or a fanfic or something...OH WELL... back to the situation. I once again looked at the small apartment .'Well its better then living on the streets I suppose......'

"My, my who do we have here?" a......thing wearing a lot of purple asked from the stair way."Aw,gentlemen, young lady this is miss Miki Shiba the land lady of this fine complex."she winked then said"Please call me Mikitty, that's much more fun ,no?"All we could do is nod and answer with a 'right' in Ente Islan.


Time skip brought to you buy Ashya's apron!!!!!!!!

We were now filling out paper work in our new 'apartment' ,if you could even call it that, so we would be able to fit in better in this society.

"Alright you guys from now on my name is Sadou Maou ,got it? So from now on address me as such" 'Maou' said filling out the last of the papers in his pile

"And I shall be Shiro you two find that name strange....., sire? " Alciel contorted his face in wonder.

"Well it's a little to late to ask that now, isn't it? We already filled out all of the paperwork.."My brother trailed off

"Besides if any ones name is weird it's 'Sadou's'"I said in a teasing voice, a smirk clear on my face.

"Hey that's not very nice ya know!"He snapped back "I just sighed with my smirk still present on my now small features. 

"Anyway Lily what did we name you again"Maou asked still filling out those damn papers. A smirk was now present on his  face because he knew I hated my new 'name' "Apparently, Yuriko Maou since you made yourself my guardian"I said leaning on my hands.It was true since I was in a younger form , Maou insisted he was my guardian encase something were to happen.I didn't argue I was to tired to.'Plus it meant I didn't have to work!Score lil-er I mean Yuriko I guess......I still like Lily better, though...(I keep riming )....I didn't see why I had to change it  since my name was normal in this world still thoughts were cut off by Alciel screaming 'King Satan' I looked over to see him passed out on the floor....good grief some devil he is......I cut myself off by also fainting and then darkness consumed me.........


Yay another time skip brought to you by Emi's flat chest (Emi: HEY!!)!!!!!!

"I wasn't aware we required food for these bodies"I mumbled chibi tears filling my eyes, rubbing the sore spot on my arm, caused by the IV.

"Me neither"My brother agreed.

Then he started talking about salt and wounds or somthing and finished by saying he needed a job so we headed back to the castle to fill out resumes whatever those are...they said I had to fill out one as well, just encase I returned to normal size.I kinda did but also didn't want to at the same time.Believe me I missed my body but stillllllll I don't wanna work*whiny voice*

*At the Devil's Castle* 

"I don't see why I have to fill one of these out.My hand writing is crap in this body anyway" I pouted.

"Because Lili-I mean Yuriko the only reason your like this is do to the lack of magic when you entered the gate, not to mention with no magic here there is no way to turn you back."Alciel stated matter of factly. I missed my magic, my wings especially.

"Come on Yuri it's not that big of a deal! You worked in Ente Isla." My brother tried to reason.

"Yeah but that work was fun! I got to mess with the church to get info!"My eyes shined a bit as i spoke of my past adventures.

"Well still, when and if you turn back you WILL get a job and you WILL help us make money if you expect any allowance or snacks!"The  house wife spoke.  Tuning him out I instead doodled on my resume.....hehe oh well..


Me:I know it was short but what did you think?PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE!!!!!!


Me:What ever.....STAY COOL READERS!!!!!!

Lily vs. Earth (The Devil Is a part timer Fanfic )Lucifer xOCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن