Chapter 3: the Little Twat!

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Michaela's P.O.V

When we entered the concert there were girls screaming all over the place. I glanced around at some of the girls who barley had any clothes on and looked like they had just gotten off work at a strip club. I wanted to be noticed by one direction, but I wasn’t trying to look like a street walker. I wore a pair of jean shorts, a white tank top and a pair of converse. I had a little bit of make up on and I pulled my long, wavy, brown hair up into a pony tail. V had on white shorts, a white one direction T-shirt and converse. We got to our section and took our seats. To our luck, many of the barley dressed disgusting girls were sitting right near us, as we walked to our spots we earned dirty looks from many of them. Me and V ignored the slutty girls that were sitting around us and we just started to talk about how excited we were to see the boys when one of the girls looked at me

“you really think that you’d ever get their attention looking like that” she said looking at me from top to bottom with a disgusting smirk. I wasn’t sure what to say, because I was to in shock at what this girl who was probably only 13 had said to me.

 “Excuse me, you little twat, maybe you could shut the fuck up and swerve now, k cool bye” V Said cause the little girl to turn around. I loved when my best friend stood up for me. V was much more of a fighter then me, and she wasn’t afraid to tell any bitch off.

After about ten more minutes of waiting, the opening act came on, and then about a half hour later One direction came on starting their first song. Me and V both looked next to us at the exact moment the little twat girl lifted up what was left of her shirt and flashed to boys as they were looking in our direction.

“You really think you’ll get their attention with those mosquito bites” V said.

I started to laugh and that’s when something collided with my head and then I passed out.

I woke up a few minutes later in a small room with a paramedic and a few other guys standing around. V was sitting next to me. The paramedic guy started asking questions and shining bright lights in my eyes and looking at the side of my face.

“Well it looks like you are going to be just fine! You were slightly dehydrated which is why it was so easy for that girl to knock you out, so you need to drink water” he said pointing to me “as for you” he said pointing to V “keep ice on your hand, and when the swelling goes down keep that splint on your pointer finger, cause I am pretty sure it’s broken” he said with kind of a laugh.

“Wait, you hit me” I asked V.

“no that little half a hooker next to us hit you, the you passed out and she tried to hit me and let’s just say I took care of her, but one of the guys saw what happened from on stage and sent security out to help us.” She said.

“So wait one direction saw me get knocked out” I said feeling incredibly embarrassed.

“Yes, Mr. Styles saw the whole thing and he was terribly concerned so he told us to come help you” said one of the tall security guys.

“You 2 can come with us now, to watch the rest of the show from back stage, and when the boys finish their concert they are very interested in meeting you and checking on your well-being.” The other guy said.

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