Chapter 10: Black outs

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V’s P.O.V

We finished eating our pizza and then we all sat there watching TV. I could see that Harry had his arm around Michaela, and she was looking at him like he was everything. I was happy that she was happy but I wasn’t sure he could handle being in a long distance relationship with her, and I knew she couldn’t handle being hurt. I felt the need to be protective over her and I made a plan to warn harry about the series events that could really ruin his sex life if he hurt my best friend, but at the same time I just really rooted for them as a couple, cause I hadn’t seen my friend gaze at a boy the way she gazed at him.

After a little while of watching the movie it seemed like everyone else had fallen asleep. I started to drift of on my own, when my phone rang. I dug through my pockets and answered it without checking who it was, so that the ringer wouldn’t wake anyone up. I stepped onto the dock outside of the house and put the phone up to my ear.

“Hello” I said.

“Hey, it’s me” My brothers voice said through the phone.

“What’s wrong” I asked sensing something wrong in his tone.

“Mom is kind of passed out again” he said.

“What are you calling me for” I asked confused.

“She is trashed and passed out in the front yard, and I can get her in all by myself” my 13 year old brother said.

“In the yard” I yelled.

“Yes I could hear noise outside and I went to check and I found her out here passed out. If the police come by and she gets picked up again, she could go to jail” he said sounding scared.

“I don’t know what to do! Maybe she needs to go to jail for a little while, maybe it will do her some good” I said getting angry.

“That’s easy for you to say, because your 18 you get to move on with your life. I would have to go live with dad” he said sounding more upset.

“no, you get to go live with Aunt Karen, and uncle Dean and you and I both know it would be better then living with either one of our parents. Mom needs help! And if she won’t agree to get it then someone like a judge needs to force her ass” I explained angrily.

“Yeah, but…” he started.

“JP you can’t take care of Mom and, I am not going to be around much this summer and after next year I am going to college. I can’t let her stupid choices effect my life anymore and you shouldn’t have to either. I suggest you go back in the house call Aunt Karen and ask her what she and Uncle Dean think you should do. If I was there I would deal with it, but I can’t right now” I said starting to tear up.

“Fine” he said angrily before hanging up the phone.

I threw my phone down causing it to slam against the dock. I had made my way down the dock so I was right by the water. I was angry and I hated the fact that my brother was mad at me, but I couldn’t deal with it anymore. I had been dragging my mom out of bar fights and into her bed for 3 years at that point, cause she hated herself cause my stupid dad decided that marrying some 25 year old supermodel twat, was more important than his family, and he split and moved to California. I hadn’t spoken to him even once, sometimes he would call and try, but he left me and he it made really bad things happen and I hated him for it.

I was worried about my brother cause I knew he was upset, I was usually around to take care of these things, and he wasn’t exposed to it that much, but I couldn’t keep the seriousness of it from him for long. My mom needed to learn that the way she acted wasn’t okay, I knew jail or rehab was the only thing that might make her stop, and I was sorry my brother was going to get effected by that.

I decided to call him back. Just as I went to pick up the phone I heard someone speak and I jumped back in fear, and fell of the dock. I hit the freezing water and then felt extreme pain in my head before blacking out.

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