Chapter 20: sleepover

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A few hours later…

Michaela’s P.O.V

We sat in the main room of the huge pent house hotel room that the boys had for the weekend, we were all playing apples to apples and we had been for hours.

“Hey guys, how much longer are we going to play this” I asked.

“We can stop anytime you want babe” Harry said.

“Well I am getting really tired, maybe it’s time that I and V go back down to our room” I said.

“Why don’t you just stay up here with us?” Harry asked making Puppy dog eyes.

“V’s aunt paid for us to have that room, so I think we should stay in it” I said.

“Okay just a few more minutes then we can stop playing” Harry responded.

As harry finished his sentence, one of the giant security guards from outside the door came in to the room.

“Some fans managed to sneak into the hotel and they heard that Harry styles new girlfriend is staying at this hotel too. We are trying to clear the hotel of all non-guests, but until we can make sure it is safe then you girls should probably stay up here. It is a private floor that you need a special access code to get onto, and it will be easier to watch you all if you’re in one spot” the guy said before walking out to the hallway again.

“Okay well then I guess you’re getting your wish after all Styles” I said.

Me, Harry, V and Liam decided that we were done with the game so we got out and left Louis, Niall, and Zayn to finish the game. Harry and I went out onto the balcony that had a really nice view of the lights of the city. Harry sat on the comfy balcony couch and I sat on his lap. For an awkward second we just looked at each other and then I started kissing him. As the kiss got heated, I repositioned myself on Harry’s lap so my legs were wrapped around his waist.  After kissing for what seemed like hours, I pulled away and lay down so my head was on Harry’s thigh.

“I wish I could always be with you” I said.

“What do you mean” he asked.

“I mean, I wish I could kiss you anytime I wanted, and lay with you like this every night” I responded.

“Well I was thinking the other day and I had a discussion with Simon and he is on board with it for the most part. But I was thinking that maybe you could come spend your summer on tour with us, since you only have a few weeks of school left. Then the tour will end, and you will still have 2 or 3 weeks before you have to go back, so you could come stay with me in London till you have to go back to school” Harry explained.

“Harry, I can think of nothing I would love to do more with my summer, but I don’t think my dad would let me, and even if he did that would be a long time to leave him by himself. And I don’t know if I could go a whole summer without V” I said.

“well V can come too, I mean if this does really happen I am sure Liam will insist that she comes as soon as he finds out that I get to bring you” Harry pointed out.

“I can’t believe they are not together yet” I said.

“I know! I keep telling Liam to man up and that this weekend would be the perfect time to tell her how he feel, but he can be surprisingly stubborn” Harry said.

“I am glad you’re not like that” I said pinching Harry’s Cheeks and then placing a light kiss on his lips.

Me and Harry sat on the balcony for about an hour just talking about what our summer could be like if I was allowed to go on tour with the boys, and then we both started to fall asleep looking at the stars.

V’s P.O.V

“you want to go up to my room” Liam asked.

“sure” I said.

Liam led me up the winding staircase to the second level of the giant hotel room. It was like a loft style, with 4 bedrooms on the first level and one bigger bedroom on the second level.

“How did you get lucky enough to get the big secluded bedroom” I asked.

“Honestly, we had one of our crew members pick a name out of a hat to decide who got the best room” he said.

Me and Liam sat down on the giant King sized be that sat in the middle of the room. Liam turned on the TV and some Teenage gossip show came on. We laughed at some of the gossip that they spilled and Liam would make comments like “oh I know Justin beiber and that’s not true” or “Ed would never date Taylor swift” I put my head on Liam’s shoulder without realizing it.

“You tired” he asked.

“Just a little” I said.

“What do usually sleep in” he asked.

“Um a t-shirt and PJ shorts” I said.

“Does an oversized t-shirt and boxers work” he asked.

“Yeah, that is perfect” I said.

Liam pulled out a giant white t-shirt and a pair of blue and white Calvin cline boxers, and then he left the room so I could change. I got up and started to take my clothes off when I got a text from some random person at home. I checked to make sure it wasn’t important and then sent a quick text to my brother to see how he was doing since he didn’t really want me to go away for the whole weekend. He just didn’t like being at my aunts alone because he had no one to talk to and he didn’t have me to drive him around to all of his friends’ houses. I finished striping and started to put the t-shirt on when the door opened. I turned around and pulled the shirt down quickly so everything was covered. I saw Liam sanding in the doorway.

“I am sorry, I totally thought you’d be finished changing by now” he said closing the door.

I put the boxers on quickly and told him to come back in. he opened the door and immediately started to apologize again.

“Liam, it’s fine really” I said.

“You sure” he asked.

“Yeah it’s fine, just as long as you liked what you saw” I teased.

“Oh yeah, of course! I mean you have a nice body” he said nervously causing me to laugh.

We decided to go to bed. Liam grabbed one of the pillows of the bed and one of the extra sheets and started to make a little bed for himself on the couch.

“What are you doing” I asked.

“Getting ready for bed” he responded.

“Over there” I asked. He nodded.

“Is this giant bed not big enough for the both of us” I asked.

“I just didn’t think you’d be comfortable sharing a bed with me” he said.

“I am more uncomfortable sleeping in this giant bed alone and knowing that you are all the way across the room on that tine couch” I said with puppy dog eyes.

So Liam joined me in the bed that was big enough that we were in the same bed but might as well have been in different beds. I flicked the switch next to the bed that made the lights go off, and then the room was dark. It was silent for a moment.

“By the way, nice tattoo” Liam said.

I slapped my hand to my head thinking about the fact that Liam saw the tattoo I had on my way lower back that I got on a night of clouded judgment when I was only 16.

“Goodnight Liam” I said.

“goodnight” he whispered as a comfortably moved his body closer to mine. A lot closer.

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