DIY 2015 Color Hair Trends

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Hey everyone!  Merry Christmas Eve!

I am sorry it's been so long since I've updated!  But I'm back today!  Not for long though.  School is becoming really stressful seeing as I'm a junior taking a college level class.  I'm also a competitive dancer which requires me to rehearse 3 days per 10 at night.

Anyways today I'm going to show you how to get these awesome hair trends!  Best part, they're all temporary!

Sand Art Hair:

For this look, take some bright blues, pinks, greens, and yellows. 

 Style you hair how you like before hand.  

Lightly damp your hair where you want the color and run a piece of hair chalk through.  Repeat until desired look is achieved.

Let dry and straighten or curl if you want the color to last longer.  If not, just let dry.


For this look, repeat steps above but use greys, whites, light pinks, blues, and purples.

Rainbow Roots:

For this look, pick out a rainbow of colors.  Anything goes here. 

Damp small sections of your hair near your roots and apply color.  For a pastel look, brush it on lightly or brush through it a lot afterwards.  For bright, do as you would above.

Let dry.

Oil Slick:

This look is better with dark hair.

For this look, take deep blues, purples, greys, and blacks.  Repeat steps 1-4 of first look.

If you want any other look tutorials, comment and I will!

Merry Christmas!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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