✖ sorry + devin booker ✖

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For babyfacecurry,
I hope you like this:)

i try to change but they always around pulling me down in bed.

I huffed and tried calling Devin again. He wasn't answering his phone and I honestly didn't care where he was, I just needed my dorm key out of his house.

I forgot it here when I left earlier and after a 45 minute drive back to campus, I realized I didn't have it and ended up having to come back here.

"You have reached the automatic voice message system of (323-125-9928). Please leave a message after the beep and hang up when you're finished."

I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone. I texted Devin for the 10th time in 5 minutes. Between my constant texts and phone calls he's gotta feel the vibration. I'm convinced he's ignoring me cause he's with someone else.

I sat on the carport, calling D'Angelo. Someone had to know something.

Unfortunately, he didn't answer. I should've expected that though.

I got on Instagram and found nothing. Then Twitter seeing that some ugly thot mentioned him in a post recently. The location: her house.

"That dirty son of a bitch." I growled, getting into my car. It was about to rain and I didn't want to just sit outside. "Just wait until he gets home."

all this time i blamed you cause i know what i'm doing.

I hopped up hearing a knock on my car window. I saw Devin standing outside my window, smiling like he was cute. Well he is, but I'm mad right now so...

"Where the hell have you been? I've been out here for hours!" I snapped, getting out of my car.

Devin laughed, trying to kiss me, but I dodged it. "I saw that. As soon as I saw your messages I came right over."

"Over from Ashley's house?" I asked following behind him.

Devin looked over his shoulder and shook his head. "Here you go with this shit again. You need to stop believing everything your friends telling you."

"You need to stop believing everything these hoes telling you! I bet she told you she'd make you feel good, like the last bitch!" I yelled, shoving him.

Devin spun around, catching my hands before I could swing on him again. "Stop. Forreal. Get your shit and get out cause you pissing me off."

"You don't have a reason to be pissed! I'm not the one cheating!"

"I wasn't cheating."

"Well what the fuck is this!" I asked shoving my phone into his chest.

He clinched his jaw and took a deep breath before looking at my phone, realizing he was caught. He couldn't say the girl was lying because she took a picture for proof.

sorry won't turn back the clock. baby I took advantage cause I knew you, wouldn't believe it so I used you.

"Kayla. Kay, baby list-"

I sighed, heartbroken. I mean, yeah I saw the proof, but hearing it come from his mouth hurts much more than not.

"Can I please get my stuff? I think it's best I go." I said barely above a whisper.


"Stop! Just stop okay?! I don't care and I don't wanna hear your explanation!" I spat, going up the stairs.

Devin was close behind me, I could hear him. I grabbed my room key and turned, leaving the room.

I met Devin in the hallway and snatched my phone from him.

"Kayla I'm sorry."

"Tell that to a broken plate and see if it changes anything." I mumbled, jogging down the steps.

"So what now?" Devin asked. "What about us?"

"There is no us." I said as my voice cracked. "I'm sick of being your backup Devin."

"But you're no-"

"As long as I'm not the only one, I'm not the main one. You can call me when you've figured it out, if I haven't moved on."

With that I left. Heartbroken but trying to be strong.

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