Interviews With The Awesomes!! - MissGothPrincess

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Hey guys, so this is my first interview with my SFB!! :D hahaa

here is how the interview went down, my awesomers-ish


Name: Victoria Vuong

Age: 13

Birthday: March 18, 1998

Gender: Girl duh :)

Relationship Status: Taken. :)

1.Where are you from? (state, country, city etc)


Awesome! Never been…

2.Is it funky there?

Funky? well... its hot. Haha

So informative…Bravo…Never would have guessed... ;)

3.Ever done an interview before?

Yes I have. :)

:O cool

4.How many stories do you have on Wattpad?

Hmm... I think I have 15 stories and 10 poems. not sure *shrugs*

Sheesh, you sure do like to write!

5.Do you like flies?

Flies? eh their annoying, but okay I guess

FLIES ARE AWESOME! Don’t diss the flies!! ;)

6.Have you ever bitten someone on purpose?

Yes, yes I have. I bite my dad all the time. *innocent smile*

Ha-haa evil ;)

7.Do you do any sport?

I play soccer, and swim mostly.

Cooooolll! …I don’t xD

8.What do you like to read about?

I read about so much. Mostly romance, mystery, action, etc..

Really? That’s nice.

9.What inspires you?

Inspires me... so many things inspire me really. It's hard to name all of em

Ha-ha, you can read my mind! O.o

10.Do you like milk?

I like milk, haha chocolate milk.

Same here! ;)

11.If I paid you, would you eat a dead fly?

Hmm... depends on how much you pay me dude. :)

….Why do they always say that!!! No fair. haha

12.How old will you be in 13 years?

I'd be 26. I think... *counts fingers.* yeah 26!

:O I’ll be…28? I think.

13.Have you ever eaten strawberries from your toes?

. .... Yes actually, I was a very proud 6 year old xD

:O you were amazingly ninja-like

14.Have you ever gone commando when you’re in public?

Gone commando. No, but my friend has it was awesome.

HAHA, awesome!

15.If I paid you £10,000,000 would you bust your friends for a crime they didn’t do?

I wouldn't bust them, cause they did nothing wrong and that would not be a thing a good friend would do.

Awww, :’)

16.What’s your favourite colour?

I have two but my favorite is black (and red).

Cool! Dennis the Mennis! Ha-Ha! :D

17.Is this a cool interview?

So far yeah it is! :)

Yay! I’ve done something good for once!

18.Like to make a shout-out/s?

Yes! eh hem, let’s see:

666sinner666, xEmoBoyx, Domanic_Rose, Scattered_Roses, xAvengedsevenfoldx, stupidgirlstupidguy, YOU!, and so so many more! :)

…so many people. O.o Hey, it's the 666 thing! right on! haha

19.Any INSPARATIONAL words for the readers?

20.Hmm... write to your hearts full guys. It doesn't matter if people say your not good enough, as long as you love doing what you do its all good. :) Follow your dreams, no matter how big they are. ~♥~

Aww, I’m getting all teard up…*sniffles* don’t look at me! Im a dude! I don’t cry!

20.Now, will you give me 10 bucks for a Happy Meal?

Hahaha fine. *hands over 10 bucks* get me a Happy Meal too! :D

Will do! …maybe.

~♥~ Victoria 

BYE!!!!! :D


Interview is over, YAY! That was so awesome for my first interview hahaa.

If you’d like an interview just PM me, or comment down there, you know the little comment-y thing-y that you comment in? :D

~Xandar ;)

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