Interview With The Awesomes!! - xTearsShowInTheRainx

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Hey guys. Another Extremely late upload. Im so sorry!

 You know  the drill.




Birthday:6th June

Gender:female freakin' duhhh

Relationship status: Single--Blehh

1. Will you lick your armpit for me?

Weird question.......hmmm let me think about that...Nooooooooo!!! ;P

:O  Meanie

2. Can you do the splits? 

Yes simple yes wait mmmhmm yeah I think........


3. Tea or Coffee?

 COFFEE!!!! FTW!!!


4. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

 Nothing it wasn't morning when I woke up but probably it's time to straighten my hair??!

Okay then. aha

5. Are you in love?

Nope tbh no


6. Ever eaten a crayon?

heh heh maybbe...yeah it was a dare when I was younger ;P

. . . Remind me NEVER to into your past. . .

7. Do you have to do laundry?

hmmmmm I don't have to but I do anywayy

SUCKER! But I cant complain...I have little kids to look after -_-

8. When's the last time you took a shower? 

WEIRD QUESTION!!!!.......weird just weird random and weird...da morning

That's what these interviews are all about!

9. Worse Injury you've ever had?

Probably when I fell off my skateboard which wasss hmm sprained wrist

Thats nich so gut

10. Are you a ninja?

Classified information......YES....Kidding.....Or am I???...

O_O I dont know! That's why I asked! And yes, I say asked as in arsked.... I have an accent okay?!

11. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, what can you touch?

MY Keyboard and Guitar *shrugs* or just thin air

:D Mine is....My drum kit

12. Without looking at the clock, guess what time it is.

22:45 I think....

 . . .

13. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?

22:35 OH OH I was close.... Yey!!!

Oh you genius... (;

14. What colour is your bedroom carpet?

 Don't have a carpet used to be Purple though

*gasp* :D

15. Morning person or night owl?

 Night owl most definatly


16. What's under your bed?

 A monster or books or a book Reading monster that steals cookies!!!!!! Ohhh I want those cookies back now!!!

O>O that is an owl...

17. Is this a cool interview?

TOTALLY dude cool random and weird and awesome in other words

:D yes!

18. Any shout-outs?

 Yeah most definatly but there is a looonngg list so I'll name a few

Toria (MissGothPrincess)


Kirsty (dontlogmeoff or PandaBear39?)

and alot of other people


19. Any INSPIRATIONAL words?

Keep writing even if you think your crap at it and take other people critizm well also Cookies are the best thing for writers block for me anyway or was it icecream?? Anyway yeah and ermmm stay awesome your awesome people out there you yes not you....yes you aswell...urgh cuz stop getting in the way of me pointing to people..

20. Now will you give me ten bucks for a Burger King Meal?

 Hmm depends get me one to and I'll give you 10 but otherwise you'll get 5 that's how much it is isn't it I dunno *hands you a tenna* there get me one too you better!!! ;P

OKAY!! *evil laugh*

The interview is over!!!

The interview over oh damn heh heh :D

*runs away being a ninja* who said that oh right me well bye byeee!!!

. . .

If you’d like an interview just PM me, or comment down there, you know the little comment-y thing-y that you comment in? :D

~Xandar ;)

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