Chapter 10 ~ Can't Take This...

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Chapter 10 ~ Can't Take This...

~Gerard's POV~ 

It's already been a week into tour and I surprisingly don't feel the need to get drunk or high. But the pain is still there. and I started to cut. Of course, not deep enough to kill me. No one has noticed, thank God. It would be so embarrassing for everyone to find out so I stay with long sleeves all the time which is pretty normal considering it's mid-November. So I'm not suspicious now. The scars are hidden under a layer of concealer so I'm on the clear for now. And I definitely don't want Avigail to see them.

No one can know about this or I'll more than likely be put into therapy or something and I definitely don'twant that to happen. Not in a million years. This is my secret. I can take the pressure. Nothing can break me even more.

~Frank's POV~ 

Why can't I get her out of my head? I can't stop thinking of her smile or how cute her laugh is or how kind she is! She's like a bright beam of sunshine and my fucked-up head. What the guys don't know, is that I've been depressed since I was 14 or 15. I'm good at pretending to be happy but in the inside, I have all these thoughts and feelings bottled up that are going to break free. And that would be the worst thing ever. Especially with what happened with Gerard.

I've only known her for about three months but she's become a distraction that kept me from thinking too much. Thinking is a dangerous thing. It can be good but too much thinking will awake some inner demons that haven't been seen in a long time. Those could just more than probably eat you inside out. We all have our inner demon, either we've encountered them or not, they're there and it's terrifying when they awaken. If you're lucky, you won't experience it ever. But remember, there's always pain in happiness, even hough it is a small speck of pain, it could still tear you apart. 

We're glass. We're already cracked even if you don't notice, and if we're dropped, we break. and no amount of "I'm sorry"s will fix that. We'll never be the sam again. We won't go back. We'll still be ther on the floor broken and cracked. Smashed into pieces.

And that perfectly describes how I am.

Broken and cracked.

That is, until I met her.


Sorry for the shortness!

Anyways. Who do you think Frank's crushing on? And how about Gerard and Avigail? What will happen? Comment below!

Also sorry for the crap quality of this chapter. : /

~Cyber Night

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