Way Too Far

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The next day, Sofia was still dismayed that everyone is calling her "Grape." Everyone was outside, having a lot of fun drawing and coloring. Sofia was coloring in the drawings in her derby memory book.

"Wow, check out this grape purple crayon," Amber said.

Amber turned to Sofia and said, "Not you, Grape—this grape."

Hildegard and Clio were giggling, and that made Sofia feel really bad. Hugo felt really bad for Sofia, and it really broke his heart to see his best friend unhappy.

Amber was coloring in a picture of marigolds.

"Wow, very nice drawing, Marigold," Clio said.

"Thanks, Fuchsia," Amber said.

Amber, Hildegard, and Clio turned to Sofia, who seemed to be using a lot of purple in her book.

"Very nice drawing of Minimus, Sofia," Hugo said.

"Thank you," Sofia said.

Amber, Hildegard, and Clio went over to see what Sofia was doing. Amber saw that Sofia was coloring in her drawing of Minimus.

"Wow, you even color your horses purple, Grape," Amber pointed out. She, Hildegard, and Clio started laughing.

Sofia was getting annoyed. "It's a drawing of Minimus, Amber," she snarled. "Everyone in this school knows that Minimus is purple. Why do you think I'm coloring him lavender?"

The trio was surprised that how mad Sofia was.

"Chill, Grape," Hildegard retorted. "Of course we all know that Minimus is actually purple, and that's why Sir Gilliam wanted you to ride him."

The purple jokes were really getting under Sofia's skin.

"Hey, Bluebell, how do you feel about this blue?" Amber asked holding up a purplish blue crayon.

"It's much too purple," Hildegard stated. "I bet Grape would really love to use that in her memory book."

Amber giggled at this statement. When she turned to look at Sofia, she saw that her younger sister wasn't there.

"Hey, where'd she go?" Amber asked.

"I don't know," Hugo said, holding the memory book. "She just got up and marched into the building."

Amber went inside to look for Sofia and found her in the library.

"Why are you sitting in here?" Amber asked.

"Everyone keeps calling me 'Grape' and making fun of me when I wear purple," Sofia retorted.

Amber still didn't understand Sofia's feelings.

"Aw, is that all?" Amber asked. "Oh, Sofia, you know we're just having fun. Anyway, everyone really likes you, and you really shouldn't let it bother you."

But it still didn't help Sofia feel better.

Hugo came in with Sofia's book tucked under his arm.

"Well, while you finish up your book, I'll go and meet up with Bluebell and Fuchsia," Amber said. "I'll see you outside, Grape."

Sofia shot an angry glare at Amber.

"It sounds like this is going overboard," Hugo remarked.

"It has gone overboard—I'd better tell Amber to stop before it gets any worse," Sofia huffed.

Hugo was a little surprised at Sofia's anger, but he was proud of her for making her choice of standing up to Amber.

Sofia the First: Sticks & StonesWhere stories live. Discover now