Chapter Twenty-One The Confessions

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I was laying in the back of Alan's car, letting the feeling of tires on asphalt put me to sleep. I knew we weren't going to my house, but I had no clue where we were going. I felt the car come to a stop and I looked out the window and saw a house. I knew it wasn't Alan's so I figured it may have been Austin's. I saw the truck that Jaime and Tony had been in parked in the driveway. Along with three cars I didn't recognize.

"We're here. It's Austin's place, I think most of Pierce The Veil is here; I don't think Mike came, something about his ex's stuff," Alan says noticing me looking at the house in confusion. "Also, I think Aaron is the only one not here from my band. He has something to take care of."

"Okay. Do you know if Austin would let me use his skype?" I ask as he opens my door, letting me out; forcing me out. He nodded and wrapped his arm around my waist. I nuzzled into his side as we walked into Austin's house, immediately earning a glare from Jaime, a sad look from Vic, and an apologetic gaze from Tony. Tino and Phil just smile at me; unaware of everything that could happen tonight.

"Austin, can Hadley use your laptop? She wants to skype someone," Alan says dropping his arm and leaving me feeling vulnerable.

"Sure thing, man. Hadley, it's in the kitchen. Go right through those doors," Austin said giving me a smile. I shot one back as I walked into the kitchen. I saw his laptop sitting on the counter. Skype was on the desktop, when I clicked on it, I saw Austin's contacts; never in my life have I seen this many band members on one list.

I logged out of his and onto mine. Sami's name popped up and I immediately clicked on it. She answered within five seconds.

"Hey, Hadley. Where the hell are you?" she asks, as soon as we are connected.

"I'm at Carlile's I figured out what I'm going to do. Can you at least hear me out before you yell?"

"Yeah. Go, speak."

"Okay, I'm going to not date either of them because Alan's about to start a tour. I'm going to give him a week and if he manages to not hook-up with a groupie or some shit like that, I'll give him a chance. I'll tell Vic that he and I should rebuild our friendship before jumping into anything. Okay?"

Sami looks deep in thought before she nods. She takes a deep breath, "I'll help you tell them. I'll go off of your lead though."

I mouth a thank you as I carry the laptop into the living room. I set the laptop on the table before sitting next to Alan on the loveseat. He kisses my temple and interlocks my fingers in his. I smile at this before looking up at everybody, taking in a deep breath.

"So, are you going to keep Vic and Alan on the fucking line? Or are you going to speak?" Jaime spits, venom coating every word. I flinch inwardly, not wanting Jaime to hate me.

"Jaime, shut up," Vic says, quietly. As if only Jaime should hear him.

"If you'll quit your bickering, she'll get on with everything," Sami pipes up from over the computer screen.

Vic and Jaime throw their hands up, in defeat. Sami is convincing and menacing if need be. Everyone turns their attention to me. Tony looks sorry for me, Jaime looks like he's pissed, Vic looks sad and distant, Tino and Phil look confused, and Austin looks like he wants to see some punches thrown. I can't tell Alan's facial expression, I don't want to turn around to look at the ginger next to me.

"Okay, after Sami made me feel like a complete and utter bitch, no offense, I decided that I'm not going to be the whore who keeps two guys waiting on her. Obviously, Vic and I have history. A lot of it. I don't know if he's the same anymore though, I would much rather be friends with him than jump into a relationship right now," I say and Vic's face immediately drops further. "However, I'm not going to just jump into a relationship with Alan either," I say turning towards him, "I don't think I could handle a touring relationship right now. I do like Alan, but I don't know if I can trust him, as Sami can verify I don't trust easily. I never have, probably never will. Most people I trust without trying, end up hurting me."

"It's true. I hate to break it to you all, but she  didn't trust me until living with me for nearly four months," Sami says from over the Skype call.

"I know that you may be pissed, Vic. Understand that I'm a different person than I was nine years ago. I'm not the same at all it seems. I don't know if you're the same. Hell, you're a rockstar. I just, want this for me. I want exactly what I said before."

"It's okay. I understand," Vic mutters, pausing for a moment before continuing, " Hadley, to make sure I realize you're different, it's not needed. You always used to say that you would never pierce your face or get tattoos because your career would be ruined. You never used to be able to stand up for yourself, and as soon as Mike mouthed off and you snapped at him, I realized you weren't the innocent little girl I knew. Not on the exterior at least."

"I'm not on the interior either. Not most of the things at least. I didn't like half the things I like now; I like things I used to hate; I have done half of the things I swore I'd never do; I've never done half of the things I said I'd do."

"Let's get to know each other better than. I'll call Mike and he can come over. We can do what we used to do, when we first met," Vic suggested, giving me a sadder kind of smile.

"Call Mike, this can be something for us all, Austin? is it okay, if we all stay here? I mean, do you have anything to do today?" I ask smiling at him.

"Go ahead, Sami, come over to," he says to the computer. I see Sami smile and offer to bring me pajamas. I smile at her, then she signed off, ending the call. Vic already had his phone out telling Mike to come and bring him and the other members of Pierce the Veil pajamas.

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