Kissed by An Angel by Elizabeth Chandler

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Mini Review

While the storyline wasn't as complex as I like and some of the characters were a tad undeveloped, it was still a good book. A nice curl-by-the-fire type. Tristin and Ivy are the main characters and romantic aspect of the book, yet I found more depth and an odd twisted understanding between Ivy and her step-brother Gregory. I'm not sure what the next book has in store, but I can't wait to find out. This is a love story about how true love will keep living on, no matter what. [Which means no to Ivy and Gregory. Bummer.]

on note:

now that I have finished the 2nd & third books; Power of Love & Soulmates...

I take back some of which I said, though I shall say *Blowing Razzberry* Bummer!

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