The Demon Trappers Daughter by Jana Oliver

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The Demon Trappers Daughter

by Jana Oliver

3 Stars

I must say that I entered into this book with the utmost excitement. I can't say that the excitement rose from having any knowledge of this book, I had none- nor had I ever heard of Jana Oliver. (Sorry) It merely came from receiving my very first ARC! To receive a book, unattainable to so many, to be one of the few to read something before so many, for someone like myself, it is a true treasure. Though, in this excitement, there was danger...we all (Book Lovers) know that it is dangerous to be too overly excited before reading something unknown. However, the disappointment I felt, the fall from such high hopes, only comes from the fact that since I received this book earlier than most, I will have to wait longer for the next book in this series.

The Demon Trapper's Daughter had me hooked in the very beginning. JO provides us with a long awaited Heroine and a much needed change of scenery. While the idea of good versus evil isn't exactly new, JO adds her own little twist giving us something exciting and fresh. It's a nice change from all the typical YA books filled with weak characters and whining heroines thrown into a world of vampires/werewolves. JO's characters are intriguing and well developed, especially the heroine, Riley Blackthorne. I loved Riley from the very beginning. She is a fierce, impulsive, headstrong, and cynical 17 year-old girl who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. To top it all off, the story keeps you on edge with anticipation and not to forget (and warn) the book ends with a cliffhanger that will leave you begging for more.

If your looking for a sweet, romantic story of a whiny heroine in a sappy love triangle, then go grab Twilight. For all others who have been looking for an edgy story with a strong heroine that doesn't waste time pining over potential love interests-and I will confess, there are some-but for once, puts her priorities first. Jana Oliver has provided just that!

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