
16 4 1

Well dearie what's on ur mind

Dearie dearest so many names to choose for you him.

A simplest man who has pain..

Who yearns for love

Is well right on the other end..

Tell me do you think you will find it?

I love it how I know you

I well always think and try to decipher what your thinking..

Is it really me or you hiding something

Like things you don't wanna say...


You say ur nothing, you say ur not important.. 

But how very wrong you are..

Your important.....

Because ur important to me..

Your important because well don't you have something to live for?

Don't you see...

I care about you..

So you are important ..

Do you know why dearie?

Well do you really know..?

Tell me what you think..

Well ur important because I care..



Are you happy?

Do you feel joy..

Or do you still try to hide certain feelings..

What are your thought..?

Don't try to hide in a wall because..

I usually know what ur thinking  at times..

And well hugs I wanna make sure your happy..

Sure you had pain but you deserve happiness..

Out of all things you deserve that...


Ur personality..

Your sweet



You have a story to tell .,

Everyone does.. and well ur life story is something...

Really how do you still think of urself.. I know you think you can be depressing, that ur a problem , and other stuff ..

But here's a secret I think about both and I think nothing can't be changed and well there are positive things..

A lot of things in ur personality..

I wanna say so much but hey ha this is only what I can think of for now.. and well Merry Christmas I hope it was different..

I needed to publish this a while back still the same feels doh







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