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It started with a bang and ended with a flash. The universe will go through this process as will all life in it's proximity. But since the beginning and to the very end there will always be the feud between the forces of light and of darkness. Matter and antimatter. Gravity and inertia. And, of course they all break down into there basic elements. Good versus Evil.

As we all know things come to and end and the feuds of the universe must face there eminent destruction. Not a happy thought is it. But, it doesn't matter. All things end some time. We'll all die. But, what we do before we die is what determines how you die and what happens after.

The Light destroyed the Earth. It came into existence in the year 2023 when the U.S. economy broke down, causing riots throughout the country. Then, having one of the biggest economy crumble, many other soon causing many others to follow suit. Soon enough war broke out, and after fifteen years of war nuclear and atom bombs were manufactured once more and set loose upon the world. Seven billion people died. All other life but a few trees. were wiped out. Finding the world they once called home was destroyed, the remaining million or so built a solar powered wonder that orbited the Earth as a tribute to the war that almost decimated life on the planet. As time went on the wonder was named Rebirth, as a symbol to the renewal of the human race. Later, a government was formed. They became a symbol of freedom of safety and freedom as the crime rated dropped to nearly zero. Then, it split into three groups, the Light, the Dark, and the rebels.

Darkness. A creature, but also a feeling. It can get in you and control your mind. It can absorb you. Light is the same. You make think it's the good. But, all things have an evil intention. Light is just as bad and sometimes worse than Darkness.

In its creation the Earth went through a long period of war, as the rebels didn't see things the way the the Light did. They outlawed privacy and the right to free speech. They ran the school system. Changing the curriculum from algebra and biology, into weapons training and battle strategy. All students were required to wear a military uniform. All citizens were forced to become soldiers for ten years from eighteen to twenty-eight and then required to go back to school and assigned a job.Either medic, repairmen, farmer, clerk, or stay in the military and become a general.

The thing about the light is that when things go wrong it's not like the darkness, where you can't see and things are hidden. Blocked from view, shrouded by mystery. In the light however, things are more viewable, colorful ... Iridescent.

IridescenceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang