Graduation pt. 1

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     Iridescence woke bound to a table. Startled she tried to scream but found herself gagged. Then she remembered the last twelve years of military training. She wiggled her hand free and dug into her pocket for the knife she always slept with. You can never be to cautious in the middle of a three-hundred year long war, she thought. She couldn't find the knife, Damn. She looked around at her surroundings.

   It was dark, so dark she felt it would consume her, chew her up and spit her out without a second thought. But, she was an agent of the Light, she could mend the light around her all the little specks of light and then form it in to a stream of condensed light. She directed it around the room and found that she was in an area about the size of a sitting room. There was no furnishing only the table she was strapped to. As she was thinking of a way to escape she realized whoever had tied her down had done a horrible job, all of the ropes were poorly knotted.

   She rolled off the table and landed on the wood flooring. The instant Iridescence landed on the floor a blaring alarm sounded causing her to jump up in a fright but there. Was no time for fear. She took up an offensive position and waited for the enemy, whoever it was, to reach her. The door silently opened and light poured into the small room. When her is focussed on who was there she gasped in surprise before they shot a sedating dart into her neck and before she knew it she was surrounded by the living darkness she had just knew barely five minutes ago.

IridescenceWhere stories live. Discover now