Graduation Pt.2

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Co- Authored by: Emily my bestest friend ever <3 :D

Okay so Graduation is going to have 3 but   im going to put iridescence on hold and work on a new story. :D plzz comment and vote and leave feedback. I want 2 no wat u guys are thinking. :D :D :D :D 

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     Iridescence was pissed! She had just woken up in a new room, tied to a wall. But mere minutes(or hours or only god knows when ago) she had been shot in the neck with a tranquilizing dart. She had been tied very poorly to a table and the second she got off a noisy alarm went of. Then, she spun around and just barely caught a glimpse of the dart- dude's face. But, the glimpse was so short she couldn't place it. She only knew that she had met her attacker before.

   The room she was trapped in was similar to the one she found herself in before. Except, this room was furnished. It had an antique, dusty old couch with a big pee stain on the middle cushion. Gross, she thought. There was also a series of midnight black rugs littered across the wood flooring. This came as a surprise to Iridescence. She took her dog years to figure it out the floor was still booby trapped and someone had tried to help her. 

   Well she didn't need there stupid help, so she decided not to take it. The rope that bound her which help secure her suspicions that who ever was helping her worked for her captures. Well if he wanted to help he could have maybe stopped them from taking her in the first place was all that came to Iridescence before she untangled her self from the ropes. She wrapped her legs around the rope twice to secure herself, keeping her head a nose's width apart from her and the floor.

   She began to swing back and forth with the rope and at the exactly right moment untangled her legs and flipped onto the couch, careful not to step in the pee-cushion, with a ten point landing. She had contemplated what she had thought early and decided on using the random guy's help. She jumped from the musty couch on to one of the dozens of black rugs on the floor. Jumping from rug to rug she easily made it to the door in only four seconds. The door opened unexpectedly and a armored man walked in looking down. When he noticed the other set of feet on the ground below him and his head shot up in time for Iridescence to place a well aimed dropkick to his neck.

  The man immediately  slumped to the floor unconscious careful to make sure nobody saw her she un dressed the man and outfitted herself with his uniform. She stepped out in to the hall and walked to her right as if she had a purpose.

  " You know that girls aren't supposed to be here," came a voice that was vaguely familiar to Iridescence. She spun around on the spot and came face to face with the most vibrant pair of green eyes in the world and they could only belong to one person... 

                                                         To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2011 ⏰

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