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     Iridescence was a strange child. Her birth was even strangely horrifying. As her seventeen year old mother was giving birth to her daughter a interesting blue glow was being emitted. The doctors were all surprised by this strange occurrence. They ran an uncountable amount of test to try and figure out what was happening inside the young girl. Then the color changed from blue to red and the startled doctors left leaving nothing but a young nurse to care for her.

 Now nurses, at this time, were very young because small children had to work there parents job with them and that is the job they will be given after leaving the military                         

     Iridescence's mother didn't know what to do," Little girl will you please help me," she wept.

      The girl had a serious look on her face and after a while left the room. The soon-to-be mother felt sad, depressed, and was all alone, left to deliver her baby herself and probably bleed to death afterwords. She cried about, wept because, and contemplated these horrible thoughts and images for at least five minutes. Then the girl came back with a crooked grin on her face, showing the empty slots of missing teeth.

    She was carrying a bundle of towels and blankets and an out of place rubber ball. She placed the towels under the new mother's body and covered her in blankets over her lower body. The girl walked over to the mother and gently placed the ball into the mother's soft hands.

   "What is this for?" she asked between gritted teeth. The pain of the contraction was unbearable.

   "It's to squeeze when the pain is to bad," the girl responded,"My name is Korin. What's yours?"

   "Durin,"she said and winced in pain.

   "Well we better get it started, shan't we?" Korin asked. She could just tell it was time to begin.

   "Sure, whatever, I don't care," Durin cried.

    Five minutes later a crying baby was in Durin's arms. There was a weird thing about the child, her hair was changing colors. When she first came out her hair was a fierce fiery red, then when she calmed down her hair was a beautiful ocean blue. Her mother stared into the baby's stunning golden eyes. She turned to the little girl who delivered Durin's new ray of sunshine,"Thank you so much."

    "Welcome," the little girl replied," What are you going to name her?"

        This made the new mother think. She remembered something. Durin had always wanted her daughter to have an interesting name, because amazing things came to interesting people and the child was seriously interesting. Durin's eyes gleamed with a newfound pride and spoke the name that would be with her child through better and through worse,"Iridescence."

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