Chapter 26: But it's not like you care, right?

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Nina’s POV

“What’s up guys?” I asked casually.

“What do we have here?” one of the guys asked smirking.

“Looks like you can’t stay out of trouble,” I directed at Mike and ignored the two guys.

“Oh so you know them?” the other guy asked. Mike didn’t respond.

“They look like good fucks,” the guy with the black hoodie said and stepped closer to us. Neither of them sound very intelligent.

“Back off bro. I’m not some whore you probably fuck every day,” I said sassily, stepping back but he kept coming towards me.  

“Fiesty. Those are always the best ones,” he said.

“What about you, doll face? You anything like her? Or are you easier?” the other guy who was wearing a dark blue hoodie said to Lexi. Lexi looked scared. Maybe I should teach her a couple of things.

“What do you guys want from Mike?” I asked ignoring their attempts to seduce us or whatever the hell it was. If they try anything they won’t succeed.

“He owes us a thousand grand and hasn’t paid up yet,” black hoodie said looking at Mike now. Lexi shot Mike a look or surprise and Mike avoided eye contact.

“You should have thought about that before loaning a fourteen year old that kind of money,” I said.

“Listen bitch, that money is ours and we had a deal,” black hoodie said grabbing my arm and blue hoodie grabbed Lexi’s arm. She started trying to get out of his grip but I stood still. I took a look at his wrist and there’s the tattoo on it. Why are they going after Michael so much? And more importantly, why did he borrow money off of them?

“I suggest you get the fuck out of here before I screw both of you over,” I said staring straight at him. He chuckled humorlessly.

“You’re coming with us, babe,” he said. They were about to drag us away but I twisted under my arm and out of his grip. I whipped my gun out of my boot and aimed it at him. He raised his arms in the air and I smirked.

“Drop the gun or I break your little friend’s neck,” blue hoodie said and held Lexi in a headlock. I thought about it and obviously I don’t need the gun. I just thought it would save us some time. I guess these dicks want to learn the hard way. I placed my gun on the pavement and stood back up.

“Let go of her,” I said seriously. He dropped his arms from her neck but still had a firm grip on her arm.

“We still want our money, kid. It’s either that, or them,” black hoodie said.

“I don’t have it,” Mike said getting worried. I have an idea.

“Look. I have KICK boxing in an hour. I need to get some gear from DICK’S Sporting Goods so I’ll give you the money. I really have to get to my KICK boxing classes and DICK’S is having a sale,” I said looking at Lexi. She gave me a slight nod.

“I don’t care about your fucking cla-“ blue hoodie said but Lexi cut him off by kicking him straight in the balls. I turned around and punched black hoodie straight in the nose and I kneed him in the stomach. I pinned him face first on the floor and held his wrists behind his back. I kicked the gun over to Lexi.

“Pick up the gun, girl,” I said to Lexi. I wasn’t going to say her name in case they told someone. She immediately picked it up and aimed it at blue hoodie. “Now. Go away and don’t come back. See that gun?” I asked the guy I had pinned down menacingly. He didn’t respond so I dug my nails deeper into his wrists. He winced and nodded quickly. “If you come back, one of its bullets will be in your body. Both of you,” I said a little louder. “Got it?” I asked. They both nodded, clearly afraid. Pussies. “Good. Leave when you wake up at the police station,” I said.

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